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"Calm down-"

Natasha tried to stop Camille as she charged into the lab.

Camille held the papers in her hand angrily."You want to fire me?" Tony looked over his eyes dull.

His rock music blared from above making him touch a panel to turn it down.

"I told you what would happen." Camille already felt like her world was falling apart, and now he was pulling this.

She felt...useless. Her eyes widened as they began to water relizing he was serious.

Then it turned to rage. She threw the papers to the ground and looked at him."You can't fire me."

She felt her lips twitch up, then she walked forwards.

"I own the company, I can do whatever I want."Tony says simply. She tilted her head."No you own half the company."

He looked over this time his face holding contusion.

"No Pepper sold it back to me." Camille laughed."It's in my contract Tony, If I stay employed for longer than six years-"

Tony didn't let her finish."Your not serious." She nodded and smiled.

It wasn't one of happiness or joy, but betrayal."For some odd reason, I never thought I would have to bring it up."

She then walked closer to him, her body pressing against the desk he sat at.

"Now I realize you never really cared for me to begin with." He glared."You know that's not true. I'm looking out for you."

She glared back."By firing me? I've been loyal to you for years even after everything!"

She felt her frustration come to a point. He looked at her."Don't-" She grabbed his hands.

"You hurt me on multiple occasions you've scarred me and I've stayed loyal."

He went silent, her hands shook."You owe me so fucking much and I've never asked for anything but your loyalty."

She then shoved him away."Look where that's gotten me."

With that she stormed out leaving Natasha staring at a man she thought she knew. "Tony?"

He pushed everything off of his desk his own guilt and frustration talking over.

Then he held his head in his hands."I didn't mean to hurt her, I only ever hurt her." With this he began to sob.

Natasha stood frozen not knowing what to do. So she walked off.

It was like deciding whether to save the world or destroy it, and she wasn't making the choice.

But she knew who would."Steve." Her eyes looked up at the man she was going to find.

It seemed he came to her. He looked down at the women, who at the moment seemed to be failing at keeping her calm exterior.

She breathed out."I can't, I don't know how to"

He put a hand on her shoulder."Calm down tell me what's wrong." For once she felt the need to have support.

"Camille and Tony fought and he's..crying." Steve looked at her and sighed.

"I'll handle Tony you need to get some rest I have a feeling Camille has already run to someone for help."

Natasha stood looking at him for a minute before nodding.

He then walked past her. She stood watching he leave. For once she didn't know what to do with herself.

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