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It happened so quickly.

Threatening him. Leaving to my small room. Forgetting everyone else. I was selfish.

"You can't leave, you have a job and soulmates who love you."

Anthony tried to reason with me as I packed my things. It wasn't much considering I had a lot of clothes at my apartment.

Even so I scared him. It was like he was betting that I wouldn't leave.

So to see this it sent him into shock. I stayed silent. I wouldn't let him win. He wouldn't catch me like that again.

Tony seemed to grow angry at me."You can't leave me! You promised you would stand by me!"

Throwing my purse on my shoulder I rushed out."Get some fucking help, Tony." I say harshly before going into the elevator.

It closed as he banged on it. "Fuck!" He shouted. With that, I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

Disabling the tracker on it I send emails out to shield setting up therapy sessions for each Avenger.
It wouldn't be a choice.

I told them the team was unstable and they could cause mass casualties with their behavior.

They needed to get better before I would come back. I couldn't handle being the therapist of the group anymore.

I wasn't allowed to have feelings. Or even feel depressed.

It was like I was trapped in a cage with everything I wanted outside, but the cage was their trauma and if they couldn't get over it, it would destroy them.

It would destroy me. It was like the bells rang in my head.

I had been ignoring it for so long, hoping they would do it on their own, but even if they said they would they never went.

I had just checked the logs and it broke me. I guess I need some therapy because I can't take them.

Years of being the common ground wares on a person, and that person has had enough. As I walked through the garage I sighed.

It wouldn't be long until all hell broke loose. I didn't tell anyone.

I got in a fight with Tony after seeing the logs when I got out of Bruces lab.So it was sudden. No one was prepared for me leaving.

This time it would be because I needed to and not because I wanted to.

"Miss Honey the team will arrive down here in 3 minutes I recommend you leave quickly." With that I quickly unlocked my car door.

Getting in I put my course down beside me reversed from my spot and sped out.

I never wanted It to turn out this way, but it was like a couldn't breathe. Everything rushed back to me.

Year's of neglect year's of things I couldn't take anymore.

Sometimes no matter how much you try to forgive and forget, its never enough. It seemed to all catch up with me.

Trying to appease everyone, fix the damage with the shitty tools you have.

It's never enough.

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