2.4 Will the Wise

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"Will!" They shouted, turning a corner and seeing Joyce Byers.

"Dustin! Star!" Joyce stated.

"Mrs Byers?" Star asked.

"What's going on? Where's Will?" Joyce asked.

"The field!" Lucas exclaimed running in through a door that led to the field.

They ran outside and Will stood still, stiff. Like he was stuck. "Will. I just found him like this." Mike explained as they ran over. "I think he's having another episode."

"Will! Will! Will!" Joyce panicked as Will's eyes flickered, shaking him to bring him back. "Sweetie, wake up! It's mum! Will!"

"Will, wake up! Can you hear me?" Joyce asked putting her hand on his cheek as his eyes continued to flicker.
"Will, please, just wake up."

Star watched with tears in her eyes, worried for the boy. Scared something was happening to him in the Upside-down.

Joyce continued to shake Will and he eventually he gasped, his eyes opening wide. They all sighed in relief as Joyce pulled her son into a hug.

"Are you okay?" Star asked and Will just nodded.

"Are you sure, honey?" Joyce asked making him nod. "Okay, let's get you home. Thank you."

"It's okay Mrs Byers." Mike assured her.

They all then followed as Joyce led Will through the school, the boy keeping quiet the entire time. Worrying them.

They walked out the front door, watching as Joyce led Will down the stairs to her car.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max admitted. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas muttered.

"It's getting worse." Mike stated and Star nodded as she used her inhaler.

"You think it's true sight?" Lucas asked.

"What's true sight?" Max asked quietly.

"Don't worry." Star sighed, watching as they drove off.

Star and Dustin parked up their bikes the next day, looking around in confusion when they didn't see anyone.

"Stop being a baby and do it already!" They heard Mike instruct so they followed his voice.

"This is do disgusting is this really necessary?" Max asked as Star and Dustin ran to the back of the school by the dumpster.

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