4.9 The Piggyback

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Star walked behind Max inside the house. All of them were being extremely quiet, holding up a moth light to look around.

Max and Star walked around the attic, trying to see where Vecna could be using the blue lights.

After a couple of minutes they came downstairs, Erica writing on a notepad that she had found Vecna.

They looked at the glowing light, Star glancing at Max. Max walked over, her latern glowing brighter when she got closer.

Erica then wrote on her notepad, showing it to Lucas then Star. Star looked and it said 'phase one?'.

They nodded, Erica rushing outside so she could contact the others. Lucas nodded at the girls and Star took in a deep breath.


Star and Max sat in the living room facing each other, waiting for Erica's signal. Lucas sat a little bit away, giving them some space.

Star looked at Max, the girl sensing her anxiety grabbed her notepad. Max wrote something on it, turning it so Star could read.


Star smiled at this, Star then wrote 'hi' on her notepad, a small smiley face next to it.

Max then began to write something else, Star watching curiously as she scribbled something down.

I'm glad you're here

It read, Star's heart beat faster, her cheeks heating slightly from the sentiment, making Max smile.

Me too! ❤️

Star turned her paper to Max, making the girl smile again. Star then frowned, beginning to write something else on her paper.

Pizza date Friday?

Max looked at this, Star's heart racing as she showed no emotional indicators of what she would write.

Star then felt her nerves spike as Max took a long time to reply to her question. Star was sure she was about to get rejected.

Max finally turned the paper around showing a drawing. It was two girl stick figures holding hands, sitting on what appeared to be a bed with a round thing next to them- Star guessed it was a pizza.

Star smiled brightly, feeling excitement bubble up in her stomach. She couldn't wait for Friday but knew there was uncertainty in what would happen next.

But she tried to have hope.

There was a flashing light and they both got up. That was Erica's signal. Star blinked back the response, it was time for phase two.

They grabbed Lucas, Max tying her shoelace before they got ready. They slowly walked over to where Vecna was, Lucas giving his friend a smile of reassurance.

It was going to be okay, Star kept repeating in her head like a mantra.

Max looked to Star, before looking back to the light. She took of her headphones, Star clenching her fists.
She then heard the tape click, meaning no more Kate Bush.

"Hey!" Max shouted making Star's heartbeat fasten. "Asshole! I'm here. No more music. No more games. Do you hear me? What are you waiting for, huh?"

Star watched as the light continued to shine, nothing happening. "Come on! Do you want me or not?"

The lantern stopped buzzing, meaning he had moved from his spot. Max's lantern then shone, and Lucas and Star followed quietly behind Max up the stairs.

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