2.2 Trick or Treat, Freak

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Star sighed, straightening out her dress. It was Halloween and Star knew no one would dress up for the occasion.

Well, only the boys. So, she decided to dress as Dorothy from Wizard of OZ, her favourite film. Dressing as Dorothy meant she didn't look crazy to those who didn't dress up.

It also meant the boys couldn't get annoyed at her. However, this meant she'd have to walk to school, but she found a solution. She put on shorts underneath.

So, once Dustin had gone- her mother taking pictures of him as a ghost buster. She was meant to dress as the state puft marshmallow man. But knew she'd get made fun of.

So she ran down stairs, allowing her mother to take a few pictures of her before she struggled to ride her bike to school.

She biked in, chuckling at all the boys singing the ghost busters tune. She even joined in, parking her bike and locking it up.

"Hey, spengler."
"Egon! Yeah!"

They all greeted each other.

"Whoa, whoa." Mike said looking at Lucas as Dustin raised a brow at his sister.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asked.

"Because I'm Venkman." Lucas stated.

"No, I'm Venkman." Mike argued, pointing to himself.

"Why can't there just be two Venkman's? And why aren't you dressed up Star?" Will asked.

"Oh, I'm Dorothy." Star chuckled with a bow.

"Because there's only one Venkman I'm real life. We planned this months ago." Mike retorted. "And you were supposed to be marshmallow." Star just shrugged at this.

"Then I was Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon." Mike explained pointing at each of them before turning to Lucas. "And you're Winston."

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas retorted.

"Yes, you did!" Mike exclaimed.

"I don't think he did." Will butted in as Star took a hit of her inhaler.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas informed him.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked.

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas explained.

"Yeah, but he's still cool." Mike argued.

"If he's cool then you be Winston." Lucas told him as Star shook her head.

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