3.1 Suzie, do you copy?

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Star giggled as she danced around to the music Max was playing in her room.

It had been a year since the closing gate, and it was the summer break. Max and Star had officially become girlfriends, and slowly came out to the party.

But now, Max sat on her bed, watching Star dance. Max smiled happily, grabbing onto Star's arm to make her sit next to her.

"Star." Max whined, placing her hands on Star's cheeks.

"What you don't like my dancing?" Star pouted, making Max chuckle.

Max pulled Star into her, locking their lips. Star's eyes fluttered close, enjoying the feeling off Max's soft lips on hers.

Star placed her hands on Max's waist as the kiss deepened. They savoured the moment, wanting it to never end.

Star slowly pulled away, staring at Max dreamily. Star blushed when Max kissed her nose, making her giggle.

"Okay, we gotta go meet everyone." Max said standing up but Star pulled her back down, placing her lips back on Max's.

"Can... we... just... stay... here?" Star asked between kisses.

"No..." Max mumbled, sinking into the kiss for a few moments before pulling away, causing Star to groan. "Come on."

"Fine." Star huffed jumping up.

Star parked up her bike, Max jumping off. Star locked up her bike before walking over to Will and Lucas who were already there.

"Where have you been?" Lucas questioned.

"Oh, hush. We're not even late." Star retorted.

"She's right." Will agreed.

"Where's Mike?" Max wondered.

"Where do you think?" Lucas asked, making kiss noises, causing the group to chuckle.

"He's going to be late, isn't he?" Star stated.

"Yup." Will sighed.

It had been like this all summer. Although Max and Star had make out sessions, they were never late for plans. Mike always was, spending most if his time with Eleven.

So, now they had to wait, the film would start in five minutes. They still had to buy some popcorn and walk through the Starcourt Mall.

"You're late." Lucas scolded as Mike arrived and began to lock up his bike.

"I'm sorry." Mike apologised.

"Again." Star huffed.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike retorted.

"If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocked.

"Just please stop talking dude." Mike stated, pushing Lucas.

"Let me guess, you were busy." Lucas said, smacking his lips as they entered the mall.

"Oh, yeah. Real mature, Lucas." Mike said sarcastically.

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mocked.

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