3.2 Mall Rats

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Star smiled as the wind flowed through her hair. It was the next day and Max would be continuing to teach her how to skate.

She had been trying to skateboard for a year, and was struggling greatly. Well, not really. She wasn't able to do tricks but she knew she could go down the road by herself.

However, she did not let Max know this for she loved Max teaching her. She loved how excited the girl got when helping her, and Star would be lying if she said she didn't like it when Max held onto her waist.

Right now Max was teaching the girl how to Skateboard. Max held Star's left hand as she 'began' to get the hang of it.

"There you go!" Max cheered. "You're finally getting it!"

"Hallelujah!" Star chuckled, wobbling a little. "I should probably let you practice your new trick."

"Are you sure?" Max asked and Star nodded, kissing her cheek as she jumped off.

"Dazzle me!" Star said dramatically.

"Don't worry my dear, I'll blow your socks off." Max winked as she hopped on.

"But I need my socks." Star pouted playfully making Max laugh.

"Dork." The redhead snorted making Star huff with a small smile.

Max began to do her tricks, Star watching from the path in awe as Max done a trick- struggling to do a certain one, however.

"Shit!" Max muttered as she stumbled off the board, Star jumping up to help her with her balance. The Skateboard rolled down the road, Eleven standing there, using her foot to make it stand to hold it.

"Hi." Eleven greeted walking over, handing Max the Skateboard.

"Hey, E." Star saud with furrowed brows.

"Hi?" Max said in confusion.

"Can we talk?" Eleven asked.

"And then he said he- he missed me." Eleven explained.

They had taken her inside, Star eating some cereal as she listened to the girl, Max pacing. Eleven explained how Mike was acting strange, claiming his Nan was sick.

"And then he just hung up." Eleven finished.

"He's a piece of shit." Max stated.

"What?" Eleven and Star asked.

"Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today." Max replied.

"Mhm, oh and his Nana being sick? That's total baloney." Star agreed.

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