3.5 The Flayed

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"I found him." Eleven stated, her blindfold on securely as the others sat around her.

"Where is he?" Max asked.

"Woods." El stated.

"Woods?" Lucas asked.

"He's with... Will's mum." Eleven explained.

"My- my mum?" Will questioned.

"What are they doing?" Star wondered.

"Ill... annoy." Eleven said slowly. "They're going to Ill-annoy."

"Mike! Breakfast!" Karen knocked on the door.

"Not now mum!" Mike shouted.

"Illinois?" Star guessed.

"Yeah, Illinois, like the state?" Mike asked. "The state of Illinois?"

"Ill-annoy." El stammered.

"Come on, let's clean you up." Star smiled, pulling her up.

Her, Max and Eleven headed to the bathroom, Star wetting a flannel and handing it to Max so she could wash off the blood.

"Does it still hurt?" Max asked as Eleven observed her neck.

"Only when I talk." El whispered.

"Well, it's a good thing you're not Mike, then." Max joked. "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah' and you'd be in constant pain." They chuckled.

Star stopped when she heard the boys chattering loudly making her sigh. She missed Dustin.

"That doesn't sound like a break." Will 'whispered'.

"It doesn't." Max called out.

"You know we can hear you right? I mean you're not the quietest people." Star joked. "And we have ears."

"It was the same thing, the exact same thing that happened to Will last year." Nancy explained as she paced.

Nancy and Jonathan had arrived and the groups were filling each other in on the crazy shit they had encountered.

"And look at this." Nancy said, handing them a sheet of paper. "Look at the body temperatures."

"He likes it cold." Will stated.

"Okay, so this crazy old woman who was eating fertiliser-" Mike said.

"Mrs Driscoll." Nancy corrected.

"Right, yeah, Mrs Driscoll. What tike was the attack?" Mike asked.

"Last night." Nancy replied.

"Right, but what time last night?" Mike questioned.

"Around nine." Nancy stated.

"You waited all night to call?" Jonathan asked her.

"I was waiting for the doctor to run some tests." Nancy explained as Star fiddled with her ring.

"You weren't there?" Will asked.

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Jonathan retorted.

"Hallelujah." Nancy said sarcastically.

"Ooh." Star winced at the tension in the room.

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