4.8 Papa

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Rushing into Eddie's room, everyone ransacked his music. Star searched quickly, unable to find anything she thought could help Nancy.

Everyone was shouting, trying to find a tape good enough. "Steve says you need to hurry!" Erica exclaimed, running into Eddie's room.

"Yeah! No shit!" Dustin screeched back.

"We're trying, we can find anything." Max explained as she searched the tapes.

"Seriously, what is all this shit?" Robin questioned.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie questioned.

"Madonna, blondie." Star suggested as she raked through the pile.

"Bowie, beatles! Music! We need music!" Robin shouted.

"This is Music!" Eddie exclaimed in annoyance.

"We need a little more mellow Music than this my friend!" Star panicked.

"Guys! She's out of it!" Erica interrupted, running back in.


The group decided that they should head to Max's trailer, staying away from the gate in Eddie's to make sure they were safer.

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet. The most awful things." Nancy explained. "I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this... giant creature with... a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming into Hawkins. Into our neighbourhoods."

Star stood with Max, playing with her fingers as she listened carefully. Her heart was beating, terrified this would happen. She couldn't even imagine how it must have been for Nancy.

"Our homes." Nancy stated. "And then... he showed me my mum. And Holly. Mike. And they... they were all..." Nancy took in a shaky breath, Star furrowing her brows in concern.

"Okay, but... he's just trying to scare you, Nance." Steve tried to reason. "Right? I mean... I mean, it's not real."

"Not yet." Nancy replied quietly. "But there... but there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer but... they didn't stop growing. And this wasn't the Upside-down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home."

"Four chimes." Max stated, making Star look at her. "Vecna's clock. It always chimes 4 times. Four exactly."

"I heard them too." Nancy replied.

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time." Max said.

"Four sacrifices- four kills." Star muttered in realisation. "Four gates."

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