I. Ptah.

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"Khonsu has plans for his avatar." A voice called out from the back of Lucilla's mind before a figure appeared began walking beside her down the streets of London. 

"Like you mentioned the past seven days." Lucilla groans, her hand sliding into her pocket to retrieve her headphones. The girl's eyes scan the people around her as she places one into her ear, playing no sound. "But we don't need to worry about him."

"One shouldn't doubt him."

"Alright." The woman agreed, wanting the conversation to end. Every day for the past week, all the God would go on about was Khonshu and his so-called plans. It was exhausting to listen to. Yet, Lucilla struggled to win any argument with the god, listening to him ramble on about Khonshu was her only choice. 

"Even if he was planning something, we can't interfere. We already have the Ennead on our back." Lucilla reasoned, reminding of her old friend of the last encounter they had with the council. It was safe to say that one wrong move and the council wouldn't be just disappointed.

"The council will not see the truth." Ptah states.

"Mhm." The girl hummed, "they never do." She added sarcastically. From the amount of times Ptah stated the same phrases, they began to get stuck in Lucilla's head.

The girl continued to scan the people around her as she walked closer to a particular building. One that a particular God moved to rest upon the roof of.

"I say we just let it happen." Lucilla adds, stopping in her place to look at the God.

Ptah was a peculiar God in style. He had a semi-curved blue head with a ball floating in the middle of it in the same colour. It was outlined with gold alongside his neck being coated with beads. But to top it off the God held a long staff in a shape of a hammer at the tip which he was using to keep his balance on the roof.

"Khonshu would come to them when he's ready right?" The girl shielded her eyes as the sun blared from behind the God. Her words came out as a hopeful wish more than a statement. The last thing Khonshu would do was get help from anyone else.

"Lucilla." Ptah says strongly, his grip on his staff tightening as he spoke. He clearly disapproved of the girl's idea for Khonshu.

"Ptah." Lucilla copied the tone of voice from the Egyptian God.

"Don't be so ridiculous."

Lucilla chuckled slightly at the god's sarcasm. "You wish." The girl muttered like when the God first met Lucilla and recruited her to be his avatar.

On their first encounter, Lucilla was a young girl who had no where else to go but a dirty park bench. But now, all Lucilla does is run across London to Wakanda doing tasks upon Ptah's behalf.

"Lucilla." Ptah called out once again, his tone got colder.

In the end the girl gave in with a small grumble, "Fine." She watched as the god before her disappeared. Her eyes shifted from the roof towards the people around her before she began walking again. "God sometimes I wish you didn't pick me as your avatar."

"No you don't."

Lucilla struggled to maintain a straight face at Ptah's words despite the God seeming like her only friend during the past few years. Travelling from country to country didn't have much benefits but the God did watch the girl's life crumble and then be rebuild numerous times over and over again.

"You Know, Khonshu won't let us get close enough to his avatar to strike an attempt of contact." The girl stated in attempt of shifting the conversation back to the original topic as she slid her hands into her pocket. "He'll notice us from a mile away, alter him and then we're completely screwed.

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