XVIII. Talk.

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Lucilla found herself sitting exactly where she did less than an hour ago but this time with Harrow sat directly in front of her. Followers of Ammit lingered around the hall at a distance, watching every move Lucilla thought to make.

"I know what you wish to ask, Ms Spector." Harrow spoke as if he could read Lucilla's mind. He possibly couldn't pinpoint a single question she wished to ask him without having to listen to the cacophony that lived inside her mind.

"You feel as if I'm throwing Antony's name around as if it means nothing." He rested against his cane as he spoke. "I can assure you I am not."

"Because that's how it seemed?" Lucilla hummed. She wanted to say more. She wanted to tell Harrow she's had enough of him mentioning Antony constantly as a ploy to keep her on his side. But nothing else came out. There wasn't a single word about how she actually felt.

"I can give you him. When we bring back Ammit, we can give you Antony again." Harrow reached a hand out to Lucilla. The skin faintly touching Lucilla's was enough for her to pull it back sharply.

A sharp inhale came from the man at the woman's action. His attention shifted onto someone behind him, gesturing for them to come closer.

"I'm beginning to question where you stand here, Lucilla." Harrow explains, turning his gaze back onto the women sat before him. "Ptah may be telling you not to trust us but can you truly trust him?"

Harrow had a point. Ptah has lied to Lucilla on numerous occasions, and now that he's told her about the truth regarding Antony, she believed to trust him again. But could she? What says Ptah won't betray her again? Even if it is to get Antony back?

"Ignore him, Lucilla. Harrow knows of nothing." Ptah calls out. "His experiences with Khonshu does not mean he knows of us"

Lucilla cleared her throat to fill the silence. "As long as we both get what we want, Harrow. I'll follow you."

"Perfect," The man nodded his head. "Prepare for an earlier departure." Harrow orders over his shoulder as a Jen walked forward with a nod. His head lowered to Lucilla's gaze. "I suggest you gather you things, Lucilla. We'd be leaving in a few hours' time."

"Jen will accompany you until then." Harrow moved, reaching for his cane as he began to rise.

"My brother-" Lucilla began to ask about Steven and Layla. There was no question if the two were okay, Marc would easily see to that. It was the fact Lucilla... She didn't know. There was feeling of worry Lucilla couldn't hide.

Yes, she never thought of worrying for her older brother after everything that happened but she couldn't help it.

"Steven.. Or should I say Marc, is fine. The same with his wife." Harrow answered Lucilla. His gaze dropped down to her forearm in the silence. "I can also help with answering some questions about that but Osiris is who you need to talk to about that. "

"Why Osiris?" Lucilla questioned out of curiosity before recalling the conversation the two had previously about her scar. It was Osiris' backbone. "What connection would I have to Osiris?"

"I don't know, Ms Spector." Harrow explained, turning away from Lucilla. "I'll see you when we leave." Then the man turned and left.

Lucilla was left alone with the followers of Ammit. Only Jen stepped forward to talk to Lucilla. "We should head back to the room. Harrow doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Right," Lucilla hummed, getting up to follow Jen to the apartment.

The two walked in silence, they even packed their things in silence. Ptah remained quiet throughout, not uttering one word to Lucilla to change her mind. Both of them needed to go to Cairo, just for separate reasons. After they have finished their business there, then Lucilla will be free from Ptah.

Harrow's words lingered in Lucilla's mind. He could return Antony to her. What did that mean? Was he alive or did Ammit have a way or bringing him back? And her scar: the djed-pillar anhk. Harrow knew far too much than he was letting on with Lucilla. But no matter how much Lucilla thought about the situation, the only conclusion she cant to was that she couldn't leave him. Not yet at least. She needed to wait for him to tell her more about Ant and for him to arrange this meeting with Osiris.

That was the other thing that convinced Lucilla to stay. How could Harrow know so much about the scar on her wrist, whilst she knew nothing about it? Lucilla couldn't even recall how the symbols were carved into her skin. But Harrow knew so much more.

Lucilla was sat on the edge of the bed when Jen opened the door and stated that it was time to leave. The avatar willingly grabbed her bag and followed the woman towards the cars.

There must've been about five of them, all holding different people. None of which Lucilla could put a name to the face. However as Jen lead her to the sixth car at the front of the queue, she noticed the emptiness. There was only one person sat inside and by the way they leant against a cane, it was obvious who it was.

Jen guided Lucilla in before getting in herself.

"Ms Spector." Harrow nodded his head in greeting as Lucilla sat down in front of him. The woman gave a small nod in return before setting her gaze onto the scenery outside of the window. The dullness the window tint casted on the alley made it into some eery abandoned street.

Crowds of people also stood nearby as the cars began to depart. They all watched lifelessly as they strolled away. No one moved to say goodbye. Well, no one here seemed to care. It was unlikely any of them was close enough to each other to believe a life outside the cult Harrow made was possible. They were only there to serve Ammit.

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