XV - Scarab.

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"Weird isn't it?" Jen questions once the door shuts behind Harrow, her curiosity peaking over her calm façade as she sipped gently on her drink.

"What is?" Lucilla replied, moving to place her bag on a chair that was placed by the door.

"This place," She smiled softly at Lucilla in a way that was almost comforting. "You'll get used to it over time."

However, Lucilla didn't focus on Jen's emotion. "I'm not planning on staying. I help Harrow, Harrow helps me and then I'm out." She explained in a cold tone and it was the honest truth. She's killing 3 birds with one stone: Ptah, Marc, and her history.

"Wow.." Jen dragged out, " Your life is really together." She sarcastically commented, leaving the two in an awkward silence.

Lucilla broke it once Jen moved to the kitchen once again. "Harrow said there's a room for me to stay in until we leave?" She questioned, following Jen with a distance.

"Yes." Jen nodded, "Follow me." She ordered, moving her way into a short corridor. There was directly three rooms at the end of the hall. "Your room is the one on the right," Jen explained gesturing to the room before point to the middle one, "That's the bathroom and my room's just opposite. So, umm.. shout if you need anything."

Jen smiled awkwardly at Lucilla as she moved to her bedroom but paused at the door, turning to Lucilla for a moment. "Or if you need to talk." She shifted back into her room.

"Thank you." Lucilla called out a loud thanks to the girl before walking into her own room.

It was small, no bigger than Lucilla's own room. The room matched the simple decoration as the rest of the apartment but the bed remained different with contrasting colours. A set of towels was set at the foot of the bed as well as a white bear sat by the pillows. It was the average guest room.

"Lucilla," Ptah's voice echoed around the small room.

"Yes, I know." The girl replied, moving to sit upon the neat bed as the God appear at the bottom of it. It was very clear what Ptah was going to say: that she shouldn't be trusting Harrow.

"Egypt is still our priority." He explained.

"I am aware," Lucilla retorted as she reached into her pocket to pull out her phone and a set of earphones. "We're still going to Egypt." She rolled her eyes as she placed a earbud into her ear and began to scroll through the music on her phone.

"With Arthur Harrow, not the avatar." Did he want Lucilla so close to Marc? Even after she made it clear she wouldn't go anywhere near her brother willingly. With Harrow, Lucilla can easily enter Cairo, help Harrow and then complete her business with Ptah before heading back to London alone.

"I am going to Cairo either way." She explained, finally pressing play on her music. Angelica by Wet Leg. Lucilla smiled to herself and she shifted to lay down on the bed.

It felt like only a blink of the eye when Lucilla awoke to the sound of a knock at the door. "Shit," She muttered. Falling asleep was the last thing Lucilla had expected. The room was now dark so Lucilla quickly moved towards the door.

"Hold on," she called out as the knock repeated. "Yeah?" The door opened to reveal Jen sheepishly standing behind it.

"Sorry to wake you," the women quickly apologised before explaining the interruption. "Arthur wants you to meet him on the courtyard. I'll wait by the door for you." She quickly moved back towards the main room. Lucilla followed, needing no time to get herself ready.

Jen happily lead Lucilla to meet Harrow in the courtyard where Harrow currently stood with Marc.. or is it Steven. Steven. If it was Marc then Harrow wouldn't be standing with a hand on his shoulder.

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