III. Avatar.

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"The hell." Lucilla mumbled under her breath as she stumbled backwards, away from the sink that was centimetres from hitting her in the face. A Jackal laid just beside it.

It was mere seconds after this a mummy-like figure exited the destroyed bathroom.

"Khonshu's avatar." Ptah called out as Lucilla glanced at the figure. It was hard to miss that they were an avatar, but of Khonshu was a bit more difficult.

However, meeting the avatar of Khonshu didn't cause an issue. Instead it just meant that Ptah's task could be done easier. The issue was that Khonshu's avatar was Lucilla's brother.

"You've got to be kidding." The girl groaned at Ptah's words, an annoyed laugh slightly breaking on through as she spoke. Out of all people to be his avatar, of course it had to be bloody Marc Spector. Who else could've it been?

"Luck, I told you to leave." Marc stated as he approached the girl, his bandages unravelling from his face. It revealed the man's annoyed stare. "You weren't meant to see any of this." Marc rushed towards his sister, pulling Lucilla in the opposite direction from the Jackal's corpse.

"I said to leave." Ptah practically repeated, increasing the level of annoyance Lucilla felt.

"I had business here without the interference." The girl snapped, pulling herself out of Marc's grasp and walked over to the Jackal.

Lucilla didn't waste any time as she carefully crouched beside the Jackal, brushing her hand against it's rough skin only for the creature to crumble into nothing. It left not evidence that it was ever there.

"Khonshu?" The girl questioned, knowing Marc would instantly know that she was questioning who he was the avatar of. However, Lucilla's eyes never left the spoke the Jackal was in: even with the feeling of Marc's eyes burning holes into her back.

"What?" Marc questioned, acting oblivious.

"You're his avatar, right?" Lucilla responded, finally standing up to face her brother, "or have you magically gained another reason for this." The girl gestured to his mummy appearance.

"You're one." Marc stated, dodging Lucilla's question by pinning it on her.

"That, I knew already." The girl turned back to the position the jackal was in. She was quick to bend down and trace her hand in it's shape the best Lucilla could remember. The outline was formed through sand escaping through the girl's fingertips. "Lie all you want, Marc. Nothing you say will be new."

Marc's lies where all Lucilla remembered about the man. Everything he ever said was practically a lie.

"You still avoided my questions." Her mask rolled back to reveal her face as she stood up, studying the outline on the floor. "And you know how much I hate that." Lucilla groaned as she took at her work before looking at her brother.

"I also know that you should leave." The mummy snapped back, continuing to avoid Lucilla's questions.

A small forced laugh exited the girl's mouth. Her suit quickly rolled off her body to allow access to Lucilla's phone, which she used to photograph the outline before her.

"Khonshu's chose was... odd." She returned to Marc once again, changing the topic all together to something Ptah preferred. However, Marc's expression never shifted from the painted annoyed frown that Lucilla swore was tattooed in her mind. "Too bad you and Dr. Grant don't want disturbance of anyone." The girl was quick to make her way past Marc.

"He will break." Ptah states, recognising Lucilla's tactic. It wasn't Marc that she needed to get to, it was Khonshu. If they couldn't get to Marc, the next best bet was to play upon Khonshu's anger.

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