II. Jackals.

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Most of the day was spent with Lucilla perching in random corners of the museum's displays, watching Marc work. Her mind was spinning with questions for Marc, but these are ones she'll never ask the man himself.

However, as the girl made her way through the Egyptian exhibit, a voice called out to her.

"This is pitiful." Ptah states, appearing beside the girl as he glances across the displays. "These are almost all incorrect." Lucilla watched as Ptah's hand reached towards a statue of himself, brushing his hand against the dirt upon the statue's chest.

"I think it's fitting." Lucilla shrugged, her eyes scanning over the inaccurate statue of the familiar god. "It captures your curvature perfectly." She joked before moving across to another display case.

"I'm pleased that you're amused by this." The god responded, his voice coated in sarcasm.

Lucilla just smiled at Ptah's comment, stopping at a particular display before her. Her eyes were preferring to linger upon a imprint of stone. Once the girl got closer, she pulled her hand up to trace the symbol's outline. It was a weird shape, a cross but a loop accompanying the northern tip.

"Ankh Djed-Pillar." Lucilla recalled, her eyes not leaving the imprint as she pulled her arm up beside it. The girl's sleeve was quick to drop to reveal a similar symbol upon her arm. However unlike the stone's imprint, the one upon Lucilla's was made from scars on her forearm.

The two matched almost exactly.

The Ankh Djed-pillar upon Lucilla's arm wasn't something the girl liked to gaze upon. After years of trying to figure out what the mysterious symbol meant, she only came upon a few meanings.

Two symbols made up the design: the ankh cross and the djed pillar. The ankh cross displayed eternal life whilst the djed pillar showcased stability. Two things Lucilla could never have.

When the symbol appeared upon the girl's arm one day, Lucilla was deep within her business alongside Ptah. She could never recall when or where the scars appeared on her arm. The only thing Lucilla could figure out about the scar was that they would never go away.

"Excuse me, miss!" A voice interrupted Lucilla's thought, causing the girl to quickly bring down her arm as she turned towards the strange man.

He wore Arabic-like clothing but held an American accent. It was highly likely he was a tourist, possibly visiting on a... business trip? Most Americans never wore such items and most Arabians didn't hold an American accent.

However he held a strong soft smile as he approached Lucilla, a cane to support him as he did.

"Hi." The girl greeted back, "Sorry, can I not touch these?" She was quick to point to the stone beside her, there was no denying he didn't see her against it.

"Honestly, I have no idea." The man responded with a small chuckle, "I don't work here but I say as long as there's no damage you should be fine." He took a step closer.

"I couldn't help but notice the print on your arm." A small gesture to Lucilla's wrist accompanied the man's comment, the exact one that the pillar rested upon.

"The pillar." Lucilla responded, gesturing to the pillar behind her with a shrug. Her hands instantly fell to secure the called sleeve around her wrist to prevent it from lifting.

The man responded in a nod. His eyes reading the imprint behind the girl before talking again, "Do you know what it means?"

"No," Lucilla forced a laugh. "I got it at some party, we were all drunk and-"

"Strange thing to have at a party." The man stated, both of his hand now rested upon his cane as he interrupted Lucilla's lie. "Especially when most people state that it's Osiris's backbone."

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