Chapter 2

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Kennedy Williams

We arrived at some huge hotel. I mean there were hotels everywhere in Manhattan, but this one looked so expensive. I wonder if all Manhattan hotels look like this.

Once I entered I the ballroom everyone turned to look at me. As usual most of their faces looked disgusted or disappointed.

I didn't look to left nor to the right. I held my head high and kept walking till a young woman and three men greeted me.

"Hi my name is Elora. I'm Christian's sister. You look so lovely by the way." She said with a surprisingly genuine smile.

One of the men spoke "I'm Trey". The man to the right of him smiled "my name is Tony and you look exquisite. Don't pay attention to the fossils in this room. Most of them are just jealous, they all wanted their daughter to marry him". He pointed to the only person who was yet to say something to me.

I was surprised by his features. Not that he was ugly. Most mafia men were hideous and old, but he was the opposite. He was handsome, tall, and was on the slimmer side. I expected a to meet someone who looked like Thanos.

I expected him to look at me in disgust but he didn't. He simply nodded his head in respect and walked away.

"Forgive him he doesn't do well with new people" explained Elora.

I didn't care though. Trey, Tony, and Elora kept me company for the rest of the party. "Oh you know you'll be staying here tonight right?" questioned Trey.

I looked at him in confusion, "No I didn't know that".

"Of course you didn't. Alexander is a real asshole. Elora will show you to your room." He came over and hugged me. "See ya tomorrow!" Both him and Tony waved me goodbye.

Once we reached the room I expected Elora to leave but she didn't. I was glad for that. "You're really quiet. I know this must be hard for you, but I'm here if you need me".

"Thanks I'm just tired. I'm gonna shower and get ready for bed". I really was tired, I was drained mentally. In times like this I wished my mom was here to hold me. To give me advice, but she wasn't.

I turned around to see Elora in sweats. Confused I asked her "what are you doing?"

"You and I will be sharing a room since I'll be your only bridesmaid" she shrugged.

" I didn't know I had one" I guess it makes sense, her being his sister and all.

"Yea well now you know. You should try to get some sleep because you look like you're gonna pass out" she walked over to me. "I just know we are gonna be best friends I can feel it" she said with a big smile on her face.

I went in the bathroom to find clothes on the vanity with a note that read for Kennedy Williams. I guess my Alexander knew I'd be staying here. Once I was laying in the bed I allowed sleep to take over.


"Mommy. Mommy today I turn 4." I said with excitement. Mommy always made sure birthday were a big deal.

She picked me up and swung me around. "Where did the time go. My beautiful baby girl is getting so big."

I giggled and looked at her pregnant stomach, "mama will my little brother grow as big as me one day?"

"Oh course he will and you'll get to see him next month". Just as she was going to say something else my father stormed onto the patio, looking furious and miserable as he always did.

He grabbed my mother by her throat. I tried to run to her but I was held by a guard. "I thought I told you she was not allowed any presents for her birthday. Are you that illiterate you cannot understand common English?"

Sighing she answered saying "Alexander, it's been a month. She didn't mean to spill water on one of your documents. She was just trying to...."

SLAP** "don't you EVER justify that thing's actions. You know what.." I saw as he began to squeeze tighter. He pulled out his gun and held it to her head. My heart rate increased rapidly. "Since you didn't listen I'm going to punish her myself. So either I kill you and that's what she'll get for a present or I kill you. Make your pick Diane."

I watched as tear streamed down her face. "P.. Please don't do this. I'll do anything you want just don't kill her please." She begged.

He grabbed her hair and pulled "what makes you think I want anything from you. Ha you're full of jokes today. First you buy her a present then try to hide it in your closet as if I wouldn't look in there. Now you insult me by saying you would do anything I want you to do. See.. the thing is I hate both of you so really killing one of you would be like killing a fly."

"Mo.." the guard put his hand over my mouth to silence me. I saw it in her eyes. I already knew what she was going to say, when I looked at my father he knew her answer too. A sadistic smile made its way across his face.

"Well then take your pick, and hurry up I have things to do," he started tapping his foot indicating he was getting annoyed.

Her eyes were now swollen with tears and so we're mine. A sad smile appeared on her face, "my sweet baby girl. I want you to live your life to the fullest. You will always be my pride and joy. No matter what."

I shook my head. "Mommy please... tell daddy to take me instead. You won't ever have to buy me another present." I turned to him and begged "pleaseeee!! Pleaseee daddy I promise mommy won't do it again. J..J...just don't kill her. Please kill me instead!!"

He didn't even look in my direction. "Diane, this is the last time I'm going to tell you to take your pick before I do it for you."

"I love you and I will always be with you." She looked at him and nodded slightly.

"MOMMY NOO..." BANG* BANG BANG BANG. My whole body froze. I let out a cry that came from the depths of my soul. He not only blew her brains out, but he also shot her stomach killing my unborn brother. He didn't stop there either.

"Grab the machete." My eyes widened as he continued to chop her up like she was nothing, and I was forced to watch it all. The guard finally let me go. Everyone left me on the stone patio.

My legs grew weak. I crawled to her now dead body. "Mommy, you have a boo boo in your head, but we can fix it with a band aide right?" She didn't answer. I sat in the pool on blood for hours crying and staring at her color slowly fading.

I stayed there all night and the next day. I couldn't move. I cried so much my tears began to feel like acid on my skin, burning my pores.

Agatha came out, she looked like she was going to pass out and throw up at the same time. She picked me up off of the nearly dried bloody ground. "My name is Agatha, I'm going to take care of you now."

I looked at my mother's body, "why won't mommy get up? She has a lot of boo boos and I want to clean them so she can get better."

Tears formed I Agatha's eyes, "her and your brother have gone to a better place now. Come on let's get you cleaned up sweetie."

End of flashback

I sat up drenched in sweat. I began to silently cry. Why didn't my mom choose me instead of her?

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