Chapter 30

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"We got Zayden to agree to a meeting." Tony said interrupting my thought process.

"Good when's the meeting?" I asked

"Today at 3pm so you have 2 hours. It's taking place at Nobu." Tony explained

"I don't know about y'all but I don't like this nigga. He's a player and uses people to get what he wants." Trey said with annoyance in his voice

"Okay but right now we have to join forces, and he's"

"He's what Tony??? I'll tell you what he is. He's a trickster like the damn joker, instead you never know he's playing you until it's too late."

"Damn Trey when did you get so damn sensitive. I thought you were always up for an adventure." Tony said as he placed his hand on Trey's shoulder

"Get yo damn hand off of me before I break both of your hands."

"I was tryna help you're ass because it sounds like someone started their menstrual cycle this morning. It's okay though all you need is some Advil and I'll run you a hot bath." Tony said through laughing

That was the last straw, Trey threw a punch at Tony and the two started fighting on the floor. Annoyed I stood up, "when the two of you are done with your cat fight we need to discuss a plan. So I'm gonna give you a minute to get over whatever just happened."

The two men stopped tussling, but Trey still seemed very heated while Tony had a wide smile on his face.

"Are you two babies done?" I asked; both nodded in response. "Good, so both of you will be on standby while I talk to him. You'll have a earpiece and.."

"Wait... I thought you were gonna let Neddy, Ken, and Jen take control. Do they know about this?" Trey asked concerned

"No they don't, I told her to wait till Elora had her babies to strike back at Alex. I never told her that I was going to let go completely. This meeting is about an alliance and making partnerships." I explained

"Now you know damn well..."

"Shut up Tony! We have to go, get the men ready to be on standby outside and inside the restaurant. Make sure the girls are occupied with Elora or something they can do together."

"You got it." They replied in unison

Walking up to my bedroom I changed into one of my full black suites and dress shirts with black shoes. Pressing a button one of the racks my clothes closet changed into a guns and ammunition closet.

I decided to go with my silver plated .44 magnum, and two golden Ruger 57s. After placing them into their holsters I made picked up 2 blades. 

Pressing the button again the closet was set back to normal. I thought about telling Kenny I was leaving but then she'd ask questions and right now I was in no mood for questions.

Out side of the house my butler Vern had my matte black Range Rover already in the front. Turning to Trey I asked "all set?"

He chuckled "you already know my boy"
Once we arrived at Nobu I was greeted by a very different Zayden. Normally Zayden was goofy or at least had a sinister smile on his face but this time he was serious.

Hopping out the car I nodded to him in respect. Once we were seated he got straight to the point, "I'm in."

I didn't trust him, especially because he wasn't acting like his normal self, "in what?" I asked innocently.

"You want to take Alex down and I'm in. He took $30 million worth in cocaine and ammo." Just talking about it Zayden looked pissed.

"I'd like to order a drink first" I said calmly. A waitress came over and I ordered a scotch neat.

Arranged to be His (#1 book in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now