Chapter 44

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It's only been two days since Vegas, but I haven't left Kennedy's side. Yesterday we had our first doctor's appointment and it was confirmed that she is pregnant and with twins again.

I guess God have is a second chance. Despite all the stress of yesterday, the babies and my angel are perfectly fine.

My bedroom door is pushed open and I hear soft taps. Turning around I see Jay crawling to me. If I'm being honest I was nervous when Kenny said she was going to keep him.

We both decided that when he's old enough to understand we'll tell him that he's adopted but for his sake we both decided to leave out all the trauma.

We want his to experience a somewhat normal life without the trauma of who he really came from.

When he reaches my foot I pick him up. "Hey buddy!" I say before planting kisses all over his face.

"I guess he wanted you because all he was doing was crying with me." Kenny says from the door way

"Of course he wanted me, because daddy is cooler than mommy." My statement makes Jay smile.

"And he agrees? Wow!"

"You'll be fine. He just might end up being a mommy's boy later on." I reply

"Alright give him to Maria so we can get this done and over with" she suggests

Today is the day we decided to end Alex's life. Kenny already made it clear she won't be killing him. She doesn't like to kill unless she's pushed to do so.

As for me, I will be having a field day with him. After handing Jay to Maria, Kennedy and I make our way to the warehouse where everyone is waiting for us.

Upon entering the warehouse I can hear Alex's mouth. Despite him being injured and bout to die he still makes threats. It's sad honestly.


"Wow, you're still racist? To your own kind? That's so crazy to me. It makes no sense." Argues Jen

"Jennifer SHUT THE HELL UP!" Yells Alex

I stare at him in disbelief and disgust. I almost laugh by how pathetic he is.

Kennedy walks up to him and surprisingly he shuts up. "I promised you I wasn't going to kill you and I'm upholding that promise. My son Jay Nini is doing well."

I can see Alex's body shake with rage but there is nothing he can do. He's strapped to a chair.

"I always knew I should've killed your instead of your mother." He states plainly

"Yea, well too late. All those years you tortured me and yet you still don't get to have the last laugh. All those promises you made to kill me, my sisters, my husband and the rest of my family, and yet you're the one who's gonna die."  Kenny sighs as she looks over his body, "if you had only known, you'd never give me to Christian Nini. You thought he was going to break me but he built into a strong woman."

"K..Kennedy please, I'm sorry. I... I'lol be better." He begs

She laughs in response, "you know I met uncle Hades? He met the same fate as you are about to meet." Just as she's about to walk out she stops and turns back to him. "Oh and Alex what's that thing you used to say after you beat me? Oh right! Checkmate!"

On her way out she kisses me on the lips and then leaves the room.


In desperation he turns to Kendra and Jennifer, but they both laugh. "Here's the thing pops, I'm not Kennedy. I made no such promise, but I want my brother Christian to finish you" Jennifer says with a wide grin on her face.

I watch as both Kendra and Jennifer have their fill. I watch Tony, Elora, and Trey nearly kill the man now it's my turn.

I take up a butcher knife and before I say anything I chop his dick off and shove it in his mouth. "Your yelling really pisses me off. Anyway you've taken a lot from me. You killed my babies before they were born. You sexually assaulted my wife by laying those disgusting lips on her. You killed her mother, you nearly killed her many times, and honestly I could go on and on." I explain

Tears stream down his face. Or at least what's left of it. Using my knife I cut off his lips. "That's for kissing my wife."

I chop of both of his hand and laugh as his muffled screams. "One hand for all the people you killed and the other hand for beating my wife when she was a child and for sex trafficking."

One by one I cut off each toe. I know he only has about five minutes left before he dies so I move quickly.

"Goodbye Alex! I hope everything you've done has been worth it." Is the last thing I say before severing his head.

Looking around I see Trey stare at me like he always does when he witnesses me killing someone. "Remind me to forever be your brother and never, EVER, cross you!"

"Trey shut your dumb ass up. You always say this like you don't slaughter people. Damn you piss me off." Mumbles Tony

"Both of you are lucky you're my brothers."  I add before leaving.

Arranged to be His (#1 book in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now