Chapter 41

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War can be defined as many things but a person's greatest enemy can be themselves.

The last time I checked the clock it read 4:00 on the dot. We've been on Alex's property for about five minutes and I can feel the war brewing inside of me.

It's the decision the kill his family the same way he killed mine. Part of me wants to be a good person and give them and chance but another part of me wants him to be as broken as I was for so many years.

"You ready little sis?" I look to my right to see killer Jennifer activated.

"Yea Jen," I answer

Taking my time I make my way towards the house. Making sure to be as quiet as possible. Most of the guards are not at their proper post which makes my job much easier.

Using the same code I've seen Alex use the past couple of days I'm able to get inside the house.

I walk up the stairs to his bedroom where he's peacefully sleeping with his wife. I sit in a chair near their bed and wait.

At about six his alarm goes off. I watch him hop to the bathroom, and about thirty minutes later he comes out.

"Hella dad, although I think I'd prefer to call you Alexander because let's be real, you weren't a father to me." I say calmly, still sitting in the chair.

His whole body goes stiff. He's slacking because the old Alex would've known I was here. The old Alex would've known I was watching him.

Slowly he turns to me. His body is not fully healed from all the bullets Christian put in him but he's still strong.

"Did you miss me? Does your new wife know about all your children? Does she know you slaughtered your late wife in front of your daughter to teach both of them a lesson?" I ask feeling my blood begin to boil.

"Kennedy.. get out before I have to..."

I cut him off... "your words would've worked a few months ago but today I want nothing but your head on a platter. You ruined my life!" I stand and take out one of my guns and point it at his wife who is waking up.

When she opens her eyes I see that she is scared and confused but I don't care. "What are you gonna Kennedy? You want to kill her? So be it, I don't care about her nor that baby so kill her. The only woman I have ever loved was your mother and YOU MADE ME KILL HER!!" He yells


"See that's where you're wrong. I don't enjoy it but love I made a promise to you and I never break a promise. See all those years you wondered why I kept you locked up in that house. Well I did it because I had to, you are like a disgusting disease. Your mother loved you from the moment she held you and she was willing to die for you. I gave her a choice to choose and she chose you. So I'm reality Kennedy I didn't kill her. You did." He says with a wicked smile.

I take a step back to try and calm my fast beating heart. In the corner of my eye I see his wife reach for a gun and without thinking I shoot her twice.

Looking back at Alex I see that her death did indeed affect him. He lied because he didn't think I was capable of killing.

I hear bullets fire and I know the war has begun. "My people are slaughtering yours. There is no out this time. All these years you trapped me by using your words and beating me. Telling me I was too dark and how my hair was disgusting because I didn't have big curls and how my body was imperfect because I wasn't a size two like mom." I tear fall down my face

I take a step closer and this time he's the one who takes a step back. "I do have to thank you for one thing though. You arranged me to be his and through him I found my sisters. I have a family and a loving husband. Through Christian i was able to fall in love and be loved. Many years ago you made me a promise and now I'll do the same. I promise you won't die today. You've affected many people so you need to suffer, but your son doesn't. I promise not to kill him. I promise to raise him with kindness and love. I'll decide whether I want to tell him about you or not."

I see the rage in him rise and he attempts to run towards me. I fire two bullets, one for each knee.

He screams in agony and I hear foot steps coming towards the door.

"You will suffer Kennedy. You BITCH!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" He yells as tears stream down his face.

"Alex you're already a dead man walking. Well crawling." I walk over to him ignoring Christian and Kendra. "Im not afraid of you anymore, and I'll tell you what. I promise you won't die by my hands, killing you os what you want me to do and I only kill people who are a threat. You are no longer a threat, you'll die by my husband's hands for what you have done to me, when you did to our children, and what you did to my mother." I stare at him in disgust as he starts bawling on the floor.

I turn around to see a proud Christian. I walk up to him and kiss him. "You did good Kenny. You are strong and I love you more than anything"

I smile, "I love you"

"Okay, both of you please. I'm single as hell so if you would please wrap this up I would greatly appreciate it." Jen says as she pushes past me.

We've been back in California for about a day now and no one has been down to see Alex. I figured I'd give him another day to confess his sins to God. I mean he's done bad things in my life so I can't imagine others.

I feel something bump my foot and I look down. My baby brother Jay is the spitting image and his mother, with bright blue eyes and dirty bling curly hair.

I pick him up, "hey bub! What's up?"

He smiles that same gummy smile he's been giving me since I got him. Although I've only had him for four days we already started the adoption process. Of course because of Christian the process is basically finished. We get the adoption certificate tomorrow.

"What's good home boy?" Asks Trey who is holding Tj.

"Where's Elora?" I ask

"Sleeping, I let her sleep in everyday. She needs the rest you know." He adds

I smile, "hmmm someone's gotten soft on her."

"I'm stuck with her so I might as well try to be cordial, but one day at a time. Maybe some day in the future we can try again."

I laugh, "boy you are in love but I understand"

He comes closer to me and gives a hug, but for some reason his cologne upsets my stomach. I shove Jay in Trey's arm and projectile vomit in the trash.

"Oh hell nah, you better not be pregnant. This house has enough babies. AYE.. Christian come get ya wife."

I can't be pregnant, I drank way too much alcohol last week. So I can't be pregnant again, right?

My thoughts are interrupted by a crying Jay. Picking him up the room begins to spin and then everything fades to black.

Arranged to be His (#1 book in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now