Chapter 7

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Kennedy Williams

Training is hard as hell. For starters I have to wake up every day at 4am. Then Elora would make me run two miles. After to miles it was combat fighting then throwing daggers, then target practice.

This has been going on for a month. Apparently I won't be able to stop training until Christian sees my progress. Not to brag but I pretty good. I mean yesterday I body slammed Tony so I think I can handle myself. I the only thing is I haven't lost weight. I expected to shred pound but instead all my muscles got stronger.

Pushing my insecurities away I try to focus at shooting the center. The doors to my private work out room open. Christian walks in. It has. Been a month since I'd last seen him. Tony or Elora would drive me to the warehouse.

"Everyone out except Kennedy." He ordered. No one questioned him either. "I've seen your progress you've done well, but you can't shoot to save your life. That's probably my fault both Tony and Elora do well with blades but they suck at shooting."

"How did you..."

"I see everything." He interrupted.

My problem wasn't Elora or Tony. My problem was every time I took up a gun, I saw my father shooting my mom and unborn brother. Every time I heard the bang I'd jump then ask to use the bathroom. Then I'd have an anxiety attack.

He gently grabbed my chin, "your problem isn't that you can't shoot. Your problem is trama. Whatever happened to you in the past is the reason you can't hit the target. Over the past month I watched how every time you see a gun your eyes widen slightly and how you panic when you shoot. I do have to give you credit, your good at hiding what you're really feeling, but here's the thing amorè no one can hide what they actually feel from me." He said seriously

I had mixed emotions. I didn't expect him to read me like a book and I definitely didn't know he had been watching me for the whole month. I mean I hadn't seen him so I assumed he was gone.

"I'm sorry". I replied.

He looked at me with confusion. He reached out and pulled me to him. "Why are you apologizing?"  He questioned.

"I'm used to doing that when I disappoint someone. I've always done that in the past. It's what I've been taught by Ale..."

"Alexander is a dick. Don't apologize because you've been through a lot," he sighed. "Have you eaten?"

I was left shocked by the change of subject. "Not yet" I replied

"Good, I have an important dinner to attend and you're coming with me," he walked away wordlessly

Anxiety immediately crept in my stomach. I hated meeting new people. I sighed and returned to my room, after doing my business I decided to wear a form fitted body on black dress with black heels.

"Here goes nothing" I muttered already regretting the dress.

By the time I got to the front door Christian was already in his matte black Bentley with tinted windows and matte black rims. I have to give it to him he had impeccable taste in cars.

As soon as I enter the vehicle my nostrils were filled with his aroma. He looked at me eyeing me from head to toe. I tried to cut in my stomach but it was getting hard to breathe.

Without a word he sped off. When we arrived at the restaurant I was blown away. The decor was beautiful with an overview of the sea. I felt a hand on the small of my back and internally winced.

The scent that had been making my heart skip a few beats filled my nostrils. Wordlessly he guided me to a table where there were three men and a woman who looked like she belonged on the cover of vogue sat.

As we approached they all stood. They offered their hands but he looked at them with disgust, instead he introduced me, "this is my wife Kennedy Nini". They all looked at me in shock. Quickly they changed their expression and offered me a smile.

I don't know why he wanted me here but all I wanted to do was eat and then go home. As the entrees came I ignored the conversation taking place and focused on eating my steak and mashed potatoes.

"So Kennedy.... How's married life?" Asked one of the men.

"I'm sorry what's your name?" I didn't mean for the question to come out rude. I genuinely did not know who this man was.

He cleared his throat, "my name is Sylvester Black. So back to my question."

I decided to not expose that my husband barely speaks to me and how we've barely seen each other since the wedding. "It's wonderful, I learn something new everyday" which technically wasn't a lie.

The dinner continued until Christian stood offering me his hand. I offered everyone a genuine smile before we left.

From the corner of my eye I could see Christian eyeing me, I began to feel self conscious. "Why do you do always feel as of you're not beautiful?"

My eyes nearly jumped out of my head. If I was driving I would most definitely crash. "Are you calling me beautiful?" I questioned

"I am" he stated factly

I didn't know how to react so instead I pushed his words to the back of my mind, but I still couldn't help the smile on my face.

"I have business to tend to. The house is empty except for the guards". His statement caused me to frown.

"Where did everyone go?"

"Business." I'd been around long enough to know that was his was of telling me to mind my business and that it was time for me to go. I didn't bother saying goodbye.

As soon as I walked in the house I went it the kitchen for some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I guess I'll be reading in my room tonight.

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