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*Warning contains sexual content*

"_____ do D.O's makeup and hair please I'm busy doing suho's and kai's" the other girl said, "Sure" You said walking to where D.O was seating down. "Finally your here I was waiting for you" He said winking at you, "Really D.O?!?! What did I tell you" you said laying out the makeup. "Come on _____ everyone knows we're dating so why hide it" He said, "I know but still this is work in the end so act professional" You said putting bb cream in his face. "Aish!!!! Fine but you'll pay for this" He said acting mad, "Pff!!!! Whatever, know shut up so I can put your makeup right" You said.

+After the photo shoot +

"Are you leaving already ____?" The other girls said, "Yeah, it's already late plus I have to wakeup early tomorrow" You said putting everything away. "We where going to tell you if you wanted to go out with us to get some drinks but I guess no then" One girls said, "I wish I could say yes but sorry girls, next time okay I promised" You said getting your bags. "You're already promising that you'll go without my permission, wow! I fell hurt" You heard D.O said out of nowhere, "Hey ____ you ready to go" D.O said giving you a hug. "Ummm...... sure, bye girls have a good time" You said walking hand in hand with D.O. You got into the car and checked your phone, when D.O took away your phone. "Hey, give me back my phone" You said but he ignored you, "I'll give it when we're in the house okay, now put your seatbelt" He said not looking at you. You kept wondering why he was acting that way but nothing came to mind. You finally get to the house, you get out of the car and open the door you left everything in the sofa and went to the kitchen to get something to drink when you remember that D.O has your phone. "D.O can you give me my phone know please" You said walking in to your room. When you enter the room your saw that D.O wasn't there. As you were about to walk out of the room, you were pinned to the wall by someone. You open your eyes and saw D.O looking at you. You where surprised by the sudden action since he's never like that. "D.O wha-whats wro-wrong" You said kinda of scared, "Remember what I told you earlier, well now is that time" He said kissing you aggressively. You turn away but it didn't work, all of a sudden he lets you go and throws you in the bed. He gets on top of you and starts to kiss you again but this time he gave you a passionate kiss which made you give in. "You like this don't you" He said massaging your left boob. When all of a sudden you see that both of you were naked." Bend down " he said putting on a condom, "I'm going to make you scream my name" He said sticking his member without any warning. You scream in pain since you haven't done it in about month since he was always busy. "Right there!!" You said in between moans, "Scream my name" He said going faster and faster. "DO KYUNGSOO........right there" You said almost reaching your climax, "turn around" He said leaving you wanting more. D.O put his member inside of you making you ark your back, he then started rubbing you clit, that made you feel as if you where in cloud 9. You felt your walls closing in his member when you release your juices. D.O didn't stop there he kept going until he made you released your juices again. "We should do this more often don't you think" He said laying next to you, "Wae~ you know I might not be able to walk for days" You said acting mad. "It's okay i'm here to take care of you" He said giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Why do you have to wake up early tomorrow anyways?" He said looking at you, "Because of this" You said turning around and grabbing a paper, "What's this?" He said grabbing the paper, "Read it" you said with a smile. "OMO! Are you serious" He said looking at you surprised, "Yes, That's why I need to wake up early to go for a check up but I guess im not going" you said, "Finally we get to have a baby after 5 years of dating" He said excited, "I know" You said with a smile.


sorry if isn't that good guys I try my best hahahaah

Well I just want it to say that I might not be posting imagines for awhile because I'm in the middle of writing an actual story. The first chapter might be already post it when you guys read this or I might post it after I upload this I don't know get. Anyways guys thank you for reading and voting for the imagines i'll work hard to make the story really good as possible~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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