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You were excited because christmas was going to be in two days. You bought everything thing that you needed for it. You and Chen for the past two christmas, always stay home for Christmas eve and watch movies and bake cookies. And on Christmas you go to yours and Chen's parents house. But this year you weren't sure if Chen was going to spend Christmas with you, since he and the other members of EXO are working really hard on their album. The past two days you would only see Chen for about ten minutes and he would leave to the studio. You expected more of his attention especially this Christmas since you are almost nine months pregnant. But sadly it wasn't like that, you know how much all of the EXO members really care for these album so you really don't make a fuss about it.
-skip to christmas eve morning-
You woke up and realize that it was Christmas eve. You turn around and saw that Chen wasn't here. You decided to ignored it and went to take a shower. You were done and got dress when you found a note from Chen in your drawer.
I'm really sorry I can't spend Christmas eve with you like the previous year. But the album it's almost done we just need some small details. But I promise tomorrow I'll be their with you, love you - Chen
You were disappointed that he wasn't going to spend Christmas eve with you, but you couldn't really do much about it. You decided to call one of your best friends over since you didn't want to be alone. As you were cleaning alittle around the house the bell rang, and you went to open the door. "Hey EunMi come in" you said giving her a hug, "hey ___, omg! Look at your stomach it's si big. I can't wait for you to give birth" she said rubbing your stomach. "I know, me too, sorry I call you in short notice" you said bringing her a cup of coffee, "it's okay don't worry anyways I don't do anything today I'm just in my apartment, but don't you usually do something with chen?" She said taking a sip of coffee, "yes, but EXO is working on their album so they are finishing it" you said taking a seat next to her. "Don't worry tomorrow you'll have time with him" she said with smile. EunMi and you staid talking for about two hours until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. EunMi rush you yo the hospital. Once you got their, EunMi got you a doctor and explain to him what happend. After awhile the doctor came in into your room and told you that the baby could be born withing 24 hours, so you had to stay in the hospital. "Thank you EunMi if you weren't their I don't know what should do" you said to her, "don't worry plus what are best friends for, oh and I call Chen he said he would be here in about ten minutes. Are you okay if I leave you alone?" She said, "oh okay thank you, and yes don't worry" you said. You were feeling sleepy until you felt asleep. You woke up and felt someone holding your hand you open your eyes and saw Chen asleep. You stared at him daydreaming at how the previous years were when you spend this day together. You came back to reality when you saw Chen woke up. "Im sorry I wasnt their for you" he said hugging you, "Its okay chen, dont worry im fine" you said hugging Jim tight. "No its not fine, if you were alone imagine what could off happend" he said pulling away an giving you a kiss, "Its know but just forget it, im fine and im with you thats all it matter okay" you said crying alittle. It was two in the morning and Chen and you were asleep when you felt something wet on the bed, thats when you realize your water broke. You call Chen and told him so he immediately call the doctor. After he call the doctor you went in to labor.
Chen's P.O.V
I was waiting for the doctor to tell me I could go inside and see ___ and the baby. He came and I thought they were done. ", I have some news for you, while you wife has been in labor we came across some bumps in the road. With the amount of blood she was loosing we had to stop because if so we have to ask you do you want us to continue or to stop and do c-section?" He said. Even though many people wouldn't hesitate and choose the other way, I know how much ___ wants to do it natural."How risky is it to continue doing it natural?" I said,"its enough of a risky that I would have to ask you if you want your wife to live or your baby to live" he said. "With that I didnt hesitate anymore and ask for the c-section, I know ___ its going to say how much she want it but I couldnt risk losing her or the baby. After what seem forever but was in reality like three hours, the doctor came outside and told me u could see them. I walk in and saw ___ carrying our way. "Hey, how are you feeling" I ask, "in pain, but it was worth it" she said looking at the baby. "You know you had to have a c-section because you were loosing alot of blood that it could off lead to one of you not being here right know" I said holding of her hands, "im glad you choose the right thing to do, even though I really want it to have natural, I prefer to be here with you and our baby" she said giving me a kiss, "so what are we going to name our baby?" I ask, "umm....since its a girl lets name her.....SooYoung, kim Sooyoung" she said looking at me, "its a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I said looking my sooyoung. We spend the rest of Christmas with our family in the hospital. "Even though we couldnt spend Christmas like we always do, Sooyoung was the the best present this year" I said carrying our baby, "its okay, as long as im with you im happy anywhere we are, I love you chen" she said giving me a kiss, "I love you too and our baby sooyoung" I said.

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