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"Hey ___ what are you doing after school?" Zelo said. "Nothing just go home, why?" I said looking up my phone. "Is that one of our friends is came from the states yesterday and we are going to visit him so? He said, "You want me to go" I said, "Yes" he said, "Sure why not" I said with a smie

-After School-

"Lets go meet the guys outside" Zelo said grabbing his backpack. Zelo and I walk to were the guys were waiting. "Hey ___!!!" Youngjae said giving me a hug, "How come everytime you see ____, you get excited?" Himchan said with a smirk on his face. "'Cause his like a little sister to me" he said. We got to the guys house and went to ring the doorbell. "hey jongup its us open up we have burgers" Yongguk  said. With that a guy with brown hair came out, "Where are the burgers? he said looking at the bags that we were carrying. "Wait lets go inside first" Himchan said. All of us enter to the house and took a seat in the table. "First Jongup this is _____, ______ this is Moon jongup" Yongguk said, Hey nice to meet you" he said with a smile, "Nice to meet you too" I said blushing alittle."What did you do your 2 years in the states?" Himchan said, "I was studying dance and i got a job as a dance instructor" he said taking a bite of his burger. I notice him looking at me and I look at the floor since I didnt want him to look at me blushing. Finally it was time to go so I got up and walk with the guys. As I was leaving I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look and saw that it was Jongup. "Hey do you mind give me your number? he said nervously "Umm...sure", I said taking his phone and putting my number. With that I left with the guys.

-Next Day-

I was in class texting with Jongup when someone took my phone away, I saw and it was Zelo. "Zelo give it" I said, "who are you texting?" He said giving the phone to Youngjae. After 5 minutes of chasing the boys around finally they gave me my phone. "Who is it then?" Himchan said, "Its a guy that I meet one day okay" I said not wanting to say his name. "Is his name Moon Jongup by any chance?" Daehyun said with a smirk. "No its not" I said looking to the floor, "then who is it" Himchan said, "Its just a friend" I said. "Lets see then" Youngjae said grabbing my phone and looking to the message. "From moon jongup - when can we meet? Are you sure is not from moon jongup", fine we have been talking for a while so what" I said, "nothing we could tell by how you were looking at each other."

-2 weeks later-

"Hey do you want to go eat dinner?" Jongup said through the phone, "sure, what time" I said, "at 8, ill pick you up" he said, "okay" I said hanging up and started getting ready since it was 6 already. Its was 7:50 and the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and saw that it was Jongup. "Hey are you ready? Oh and sorry I came 10 minutes early I just couldnt wait" he said blushing, "hahaha its okay and yes im ready# I said grabbing my purse and phone. (Going to skip the date sorry)

"it was nice going on a date" Jongup said, "yeah, I had fun." I know this is sudden but do you want to go out with with me?" He said blushing, "yes~" I said blushing, "what are we going to tell the guys" I said, "they have to deal with it" he said giving me a kiss.

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