Pieces Of Time (5 Seconds Of Summer/ 5SOS)

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"Michael Gordon! Get here this instant!"  I groaned as i jumped off my bed, hitting pause on my ps3 controller I made my way down the hall.
As I walked into the kitchen I found my self face to face with my Mum, hands on her hips, an annoyed look across her face.
"I asked you to do these jobs 2 hours ago!" she exclaimed.
Oops, time flies when you're playing Fifa.
"I'll do it now", I mumbled.
Mum smiled smuggley as she made her way out of the kitchen.
Sighing to myself I grabbed the dishes from the sink and started to put them away, why didn't we have a dishwasher?

As I put the last dish away, I looked out of the window which faced out towards the street slightly. Even though our street was rather large, majority of the people on here knew each other, looked out for each others kids, always cheery to each other and so on. 
It wasn't until I seen the car from across the road pull up, trailer behind it with a whole stack of furniture and suit cases it hit me, where the Tucker's moving?
Leaning against the bench, I stared out the window, watching curiously as the people started coming out of the car.  Mr Tucker, Mrs Tucker, their sons Shaun, Fyn, followed by a girl.
Shorter then me I guessed I watched as she grabbed her suitcases from the car, her long wavy dark brown hair fell down her back. She had a pair of maroon shorts on and a black tee-shirt.
I waited until she turned, oh my lord.
I knew the Tuckers had a daughter, who got sent to a boarding school back when she first started high school years ago, but far out.
Lets just say she wasn't the same dorky preteen I used to play street cricket with back when we were twelve. 

This is just the start, it'll get better I promise xx

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