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Five days later and I found myself sitting in the third row of the church. I'd never planned my first time in a church and wearing a proper suit to be like this, but hey here I was.
Family and friends filled the rows surrounding us, Mum and Dad both next to me.
Complete silence fell over the room as the Priest made his way to the front.
"Today we gather to celebrate the life of Aurora Katherine Tucker", he started
There was her coffin, in the middle of the church for everyone to see. A large flower arrangement took up the center of it.
"A beautiful girl, taken too quick from this world".
I remembered when we were kids, playing in our backyard in my old tree house.
"Quick, climb up there before you have to go home!" I whispered.
Aurora smiled before scrambling up the poor effort of a ladder Dad had made.
"Michael quick!" she yelled, i grabbed onto the ladder as quick as I could, trying to climb up before our parents came, but before I knew it my footing was lost and I was falling, putting my hands back to stop the fall I felt a crunch as I landed hard on the grass.
"Michael!"  Aurora screamed before making her way down the ladder, she bent down at my side inspecting the damaged. 
"Ow!" I cried as she went to lift my arm.
"Stay here! I'll get someone!" she
The Priest started to read from the bible.
"Is this your sister?" The doctor asked while the nurse helped him put the cast on my wrist.
Aurora had insisted on coming to the hospital with me, I wasn't going to complain. Mum said it was fine for her to, even thought Mrs. Tucker was sheepish at the time, but no one was really telling Aurora she wasn't aloud to come.
"No", Aurora giggled, "He's my best
I wiped the tears off of my cheek, focusing back on the front. All that time she'd looked after me. Did nearly everything for me, just to make sure I was okay.
I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, I put my head on Mum's shoulder as the tears continued to come, she rubbed my arm trying to comfort me, but nothing was going to work now.
Shaun and Fyn had made their ways up to the front.
"Aurora", Shaun started, "I know we fought a lot, but what brother and sister didn't, it's not normal for them not to, anyways I'll never forget the memories I was lucky to share with you, I never regret one of them, well maybe the time I got you in the back of the head with a mud ball", he paused for a moment giving a shaky laugh, "I'll always love you, you were possibly the best sister someone could ask for, the time I'd dropped my ice-cream and you shared the rest with me, just the small things like that, I'll always be thinking of, I hope you don't cause too much trouble up there, and are having heaps of fun, I love you", he stepped away turning his back to every one for a moment, I know how hard it would be for him to stand up there and talk, even for that short amount of time.
"Thank you Aurora for being the best big sister out, I'll love you forever", Fyn's speech was short, but it was all that he had to say as he and Shaun made their way back to the front row where they were seated.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker made their way up after the boys. Mr Tucker held Mrs. Tucker's hand the whole way up and did not once leave her side.
"My baby girl Aurora", Mr. Tucker spoke, "You were always a star in my eyes, no matter what'd happened we'd pulled through, all the disagreements, all your achievements, you've never failed to make me proud, you'll always be my number one girl, I love you beautiful", Mr. Tucker's word's had hit me the hardest so far, seeing him holding back his tears, no parent should ever have to have their child die before them, they should never have to be the ones standing up speaking at their funerals.
Mrs. Tucker made her way up to the stand, clearing her throat she began, "My beautiful girl, I wish you all the best for your eighteenth, not long now and you'll be there, soon you'll be off your L's and onto your P's, finally being able to drive, your one biggest dream, you probably would've been bugging me to go look and suss out possible cars for your present now, we also would've been planning your formal and graduation, I know you would've had a million plans running through your head", Mrs. Tucker wasn't reminiscing on her memories with Aurora, no instead she was wishing her for the future, her future she would've had, "your twenty first in the next few years where finally you'll be legal everywhere, able to drink in all countries, the day of your marriage, there's nothing more a mother would've wanted then to be able to walk you down the isle, see her beautiful daughter in the dress of her dreams with the man she loved standing at the end of the walk, my darling daughter all these big events in your life I wish you well, I wish you all the best, and I hope you have the time of your life, the time you deserve. I will always love you and I know you'll be forever with me where ever I go, and I'll be able to share all the great times I had with you to the people I love", she stepped down as Mr. Tucker engulfed her in a hug as they walked back to their seats.
A pull down screen came down and a projector followed, as a slide show of Aurora's life began to play. 'Angels' by Robbie Williams played in the background as the photos started to show.
Aurora when she was first born. Her first day of school. Photo after photo of her beautiful face started to flick through. The one where we'd both run under the sprinklers with her brothers in the nude when we were about 5 came up. Followed by more of her achievements, her and her friends, her with her family.
Her school photo with her crooked fringe that we'd attempted to cut back in year 2 was followed by more recent ones. One of her with a group of girls all in white in what I assumed was her debuton ball came up, she looked absolutely stunning. 
As the song was nearing to an end so was the slide show, the one of us two together was the second to last one. We were sitting together on Christmas day. She'd just given me my present before Mr. Tucker had snapped a photo. Messy hair and no make-up she was still beautiful. That photo was one of my favourites we had together, both of us were in mid laugh when it'd been taken.
The last photo that had been shown was a single on of her. I remember her coming over after this had been taken, she'd just been over to her Gran's for a picnic. She always had told me how much she'd loved spending time with her Gran and listening to her stories she'd say.
I bet when her Gran had taken the photo she'd never expected to be sitting at her funeral. She'd expect it to be the other way.
As the slide show came to an end, a few people began to stand up, including myself. Holding the mix CD I'd made her I followed the others out to the front were I placed it just by the flowers on her coffin. The family and friends placed other treasured objects of Aurora's on top of the coffin before slowly returning to their seats. Touching my hand to the top, stood for a moment.
"My best friend forever", I whispered before returning back to where I was sitting.
Mr. Tucker, Fyn, Shaun and followed by other male family members made their way to the coffin before it up and walking slowly down the isle. People followed and so did we as they made their ways out of the church towards the hearse. 
This was it. I was never going to see her again.
My best friend, the girl I loved, gone forever.

hey guys! thankyou so much for getting me to where i am on here!  comments and opinions would mean the world! i'm thinking of publishing something else soon? can you tell me if any of you would mind checking it out? thanks again! x

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