Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


/Meaghan’s POV/

I sat down quietly looking down at my hands as Harry explained to Louis and Eva about the text messages from Molly and the hate I had been receiving. I had asked him to explain, not wanting to have to think too much about it all. Louis and Eva were silent the whole time as Harry explained it all, holding my hand and squeezing it reassuringly every few moments.

Once he was done talking, I looked up to see Louis and Eva looking down at me shocked before Eva got up and walked over, pulling me into a tight hug.

“You should have told someone earlier so that we could have done something about it.” She said sadly, squeezing me tight.

“Sorry…” I mumbled, not really knowing what I could say and hoping they would stop talking about it so that I could forget all about it. I think Harry realised this as he stood up, offering me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up before turning to Louis and Eva.

“Well it is all hopefully over now, so how about we go get changed and we can go somewhere?” He said looking down at me, smiling softly. I nodded along, happy to get out and pretend nothing had ever happened.

I jumped up and grabbed Harry’s hand, dragging him into the bedroom as fast I could in my rush to leave. I walked into the bathroom, washing my face to make sure I didn’t look disgusting, before changing into a pair of cream shorts and a white top. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail before walking out of the room to see that Harry wasn’t in the room anymore. I made my way out of the apartment and saw him putting something in the boot, shutting it as I made my way over.

“What’s in the trunk?” I asked, becoming more curious when he looked away quickly.

“Nothing, just some things you don’t need to know about yet.” He said, opening the door and gesturing for me to get in. I sighed before jumping in, allowing him to close it for me before he made his way to his side.

“So where are we going?” I asked, leaning back in my seat and relaxing as the soft music from the radio filled the silence.

“To my parents place for a few days so that we can get away.”  Harry said casually, not looking away from the road while he bobbed his head to the music.

“What? We can’t just leave!” I said, looking at him in shock.

“We can and we did.” He said, smiling at me briefly.

“Well I don’t have clothes so let’s go back.” I said, hoping he would turn around.

“I packed them for you, they are in the trunk.” He said smugly as I realised why he had been secretive.

“You knew that if I had found out before we left I wouldn’t have gone.” I stated, looking over at Harry as he nodded.

“And I am going to take a wild guess and say you did this without permission… again.” I said, watching as he nodded again, this time with a sheepish look on his face.

“Management will just blame this all on me, this is twice you have left when they needed you and the tweets you sent. God, I am so screwed.” I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face in frustration.

“They won’t blame it on you, I will tell them that it was me.” Harry said, grabbing  one of my hands in his own.

“That won’t stop them.” I said and Harry sighed before rubbing my hand soothingly.

“You needed to get away and this is the best place to go. Everything will be fine.” He said softly. I just nodded before leaning back in my chair again, our hands still joined together as we drove to Holmes Chapel.

The closer we got to his house the more it dawned on me that I would be meeting his family and other close friends. I became nervous and I think Harry noticed because of the fact I was squeezing the shit out of his hand.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about meeting my family. They will be happy to meet you since they have been badgering me about it since we started dating.” Harry said, making me relax slightly at the thought that they actually wanted to know me and were giving me a chance.

After another half an hour or so we pulled up to Harry’s families home and I began to get nervous again. I opened the door and stepped out of the car before making my way to the boot where Harry was getting our bags. I took mine from him before he grabbed his own bag, taking my hand in his before gently pulling me towards the front door. Once we reached it he knocked loudly before stepping back to avoid getting hit by the door.

We heard quick footsteps before the door was pushed open and who I am guessing to be Harry’s sister stood in the doorway. She looked shocked for a few seconds before she attacked Harry in a hug asking why he hadn’t told them he was coming. She then looked over at me before smiling widely and pulling me into an unsuspected hug.

“Hi I am Harry’s sister Gemma it is nice to finally meet you.” She said happily.

“Well I am Meaghan, it is nice to meet you too. Sorry for the short notice.” I said, smiling apologetically.

“Oh it is fine, we love having Harry here. I am so glad I am home from university while you are here.” She said.

“Oh and come in, I will just go and get Mum.” She said before rushing off up the stairs calling out to her Mum.

“You didn’t even tell your own family we were coming?” I said, looking at Harry seriously.

“I kind of forgot in our rush to get here.” He said, smiling at me apologetically while rubbing his neck nervously. I just rolled my eyes at him jokingly before wrapping an arm around his waist and resting my head on his side. Suddenly quick footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, making me nervous again as who I am guessing is Harry’s Mum ran down the stairs, her smile widening when her eyes locked on Harry before she rushed over, wrapping him in a tight hug as I stepped back and smiled at the little reunion.

When they had stopped hugging and talking she stepped back, looking over at me and smiling.

“Hi you must be Meaghan, I have heard a lot about you. My name is Anne.” She said, pulling me into a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you. What kind of things has he been telling you?” I said, looking over at Harry curiously who only blushed lightly while trying to signal to Anne to stop.

“Oh you know, how he lovveeesss you and how pretty you are. Very true may I add.” She said, winking at Harry who blushed while glaring at her. I only blushed, looking down at my hands, not sure what to say to her.

“Well anyway come in, we need to catch up Harry and I would love to learn more about Meaghan.” Anne said, smiling and leading us into the lounge room, sitting down in a seat and gesturing for us to sit in the one across from her. We sat down, Harry wrapping an arm around my waist as him, Gemma and his Mum caught up before the topic changed to me and I told them a few things about myself.

By the time we were done talking it was midnight and I was exhausted from all the events that had occurred.

“You two look exhausted, head up to bed and I will see you in the morning.” Anne said, hugging us both before making her way upstairs. We stood up and quietly made our way up into Harry’s room, lying our bags on the floor before getting into his bed, quickly falling asleep.


I am so sorry this took so long, I had no motivation to write. But I went back and edited my plans and am excited to write my stories now :) I hope you liked this chapter and it wasn’t too bad… Let me know what you think and please vote :D


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