Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


/Meaghan’s POV/

Once we made it back to our house, I made my way up to Angel's room prepared to tell her what has been happening. I knew she would understand since I have known her the longest and she was best friends with Molly as well. As I was about to open the door I heard her laughing and talking to someone, probably Liam on Skype. I stepped away from the door, realising that it would be selfish to unload my problems onto her when she was happy at the moment. I quickly turned around and made my way to my bedroom, tired from the stuff that had happened today.

I checked the time and saw that it was four o’clock. Knowing that it was way too early to sleep, I flopped onto my bed and stared at the roof thinking over what Molly had said and a year ago when she had said the same thing.


“I don’t even understand why you are still with Nick, he is probably cheating on you anyway.” Molly said in a bitchy tone as we sat down to eat in a café one morning.

“No, he wouldn’t do that to me.” I said, looking at her shocked. It had been a month since Molly had changed how she looked and become bitchier.

“You just wait, he will break your heart and leave you alone.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone as she ate her low fat yoghurt.


At the time I brushed it off since Nick and I had been dating for three months and I trusted him, but one month later I had gone to his house to surprise him only to find him having sex with none other than my supposed best friend. I had run out in tears and didn’t speak to Molly for weeks until she apologised saying he said that they had broken up, which even if they had wouldn’t have been the right thing to do.

I shuddered at the thought of Molly getting near Harry and shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head. I looked at the time and saw that I had wasted two hours thinking about it all.

“Hey babe, are you alright?” A familiar voice said making me jump in shock. I looked at the door to see Harry leaning against the frame giving me a small smile.

“Yeah, I am fine just thinking.” I said, smiling back at him.

“Okay, well we have just ordered pizza so it will be here in a few minutes.” He said. I got off of the bed and wrapped my arms around him as his arms went around my waist.

“Yay, pizza!” I mumbled into his chest making him chuckle. I let go of him and made my way out into the lounge room.

I sat down on the couch, Harry sitting down beside me.

“So what are you two doing tomorrow?” Eva asked as the doorbell rang.

“I am going to visit my parents, so I guess if Harry wants to meet them he can come.” I said as I stood up and made my way to the door. I opened it up to see the pizza man standing there with three pizzas in his hand.

“Hi, that will be $15.00.” He said as he handed me the pizzas. Suddenly a hand reached out from beside me and gave the guy the money. I looked over to see Harry behind me.

“Thank you.” I smiled as the guy walked back to his car. Harry grabbed two of the pizzas out of my hands and made his way to the lounge room as I followed. We placed the pizzas on the table in the middle before I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some plates. I put them down on the table and then grabbed a piece of Hawaiian pizza and sitting back on the couch.

While we ate we watched the news and were shocked to see that Harry and Louis were the main topic.

“Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson of the world famous boy band One Direction have been spotted in Australia, the others reportedly back in London recording their new album. It is rumoured that Louis is visiting his girlfriend who is flying back with him to move into together, while Harry has left without permission to see his girlfriend Meaghan.” The reporter for Channel V said, a picture of Louis and Harry signing things today on the side of the screen.

“Their management mustn’t be happy with Harry at the moment, naughty boy.” She said cheekily, winking before the report was over.

 “So basically when you get back to London, you are screwed?” I laughed, lying back on the couch.

“Yeah, that will be interesting.” He sighed, putting his arms around me.

“Glad I won’t be there for it, although it would be funny to watch.” I teased, yawning tiredly.

“Want to go to bed?” Harry asked, looking down at me and smiling softly. I nodded, wiping my eyes tiredly and let out a loud squeal when I was suddenly lifted up. I opened my eyes to see Harry smiling at me cheekily as he cradled me in his arms before starting to make his way to my room.

“Night Lou and Eva!” I laughed out, waving at them as they laughed at us.

“Night!” They yelled. Once we made it into my room, Harry placed me down lightly on the bed before pulling off his shirt and boxers, jumping into the bed. I rolled my eyes at him before grabbing a pair of pyjamas and walking into the bathroom. I quickly got changed before walking back into the bedroom and lying down on the bed next to Harry. He immediately wrapped his arms around me from behind and nuzzled his head into my shoulder making me squirm.

“Stop, it tickles.” I said, laughing lightly as I tried to move away. He chuckled but stopped, rolling me over to face him. I looked up at him happily before kissing him lightly on the lips.

“Can I come with you to meet your parents tomorrow?” Harry asked as he ran his fingers through his curly hair tiredly.

“Of course, but expect my Dad to ask you a lot of questions.” I laughed, looking at him cheekily.

“Can’t wait.” He smiled.

“Night Haz.” I said, resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes.

“Night Meg, I love you.” He said tiredly.

“Love you too.” I said, smiling slightly before I fell asleep.


Hey everyone, I am so sorry I took so long to update so to make up for it I am updating twice this weekend :) Second chapter will be up tonight or tomorrow :D

I am now on holidays so when I am not busy I will write.

Also, who has heard Live While We’re Young? If you have, what do you think? I love it :)


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