Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


/Meaghan’s POV/

I was down in the kitchen with Anne, cooking breakfast while everyone was still asleep. As I buttered the toast Anne fried up the eggs and bacon while we chatted about random things.

“So how did you meet Harry?” Anne asked, her eyes still focused on the job in front of her.

“I am surprised he never told you. We met because my old school friend Eva met Louis and then we caught up. She knew how much of a fan my friend and I were and helped us meet them.” I said, laughing to myself at how overwhelmed I was when meeting them.

“Well I guess the fans would be happy you are a fan then.” Anne mused, smiling over at me quickly. I paused, debating on telling her or leaving it be.

“Some fans are nice, some fans… Not so much.” A voice calls from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a half asleep Harry leaning against the doorway, his eyes still half closed as he ran a hand through his messy hair sluggishly.

“Morning sweetie, how was your sleep?” Anne said brightly, placing the last of the cooked bacon on a plate and taking it over to the table.

“It was good, nice to sleep in my old bed again.” Harry said, smiling brightly at his mother and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

“Well breakfast is nearly ready just got the toast to butter, chop chop Meaghan.” Anne said cheekily before leaving the room to more than likely wake the others up.

“Yeah Meaghan chop chop I don’t want cold toast.” I heard Harry say from close behind me as I turned around to continue with the toast.

“Well I guess I can take my time then if it will annoy you.” I said, slowing down my movements dramatically. I heard Harry’s deep chuckle before his hands encircled my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder.

“Morning.” I said quietly, turning my head and kissing his cheek briefly before continuing my job.

“What kind of kiss was that?” Harry muttered and I could feel him pout.

“You said you didn’t want cold toast.” I reminded him, trying not to smile as he whined childishly in my ear. I just ignored him, humming an annoying tune as I continued with the toast making him huff angrily. Suddenly his hands reached out and grabbed a spare knife and he began to help me butter the remaining toast as it came out of the toaster still standing behind me the whole time.

As soon as it was all done I placed them all on a plate and side stepped Harry, making my way to the table and placing it in the middle. Suddenly I was spun around and pulled into Harry’s chest, his lips crashing down onto mine quickly. When we separated I shook my head at the massive smile that was spread across his face.

“Much better.” He said happily, giving me another brief kiss before sitting down at the table and gesturing for me to sit beside him. I took the seat beside him just as Anne, Robin and Gemma entered mumbling a good morning before sitting down. We started to eat, only making small talk until we finished and everyone got up to get changed properly. Anne grabbed all of the plates and cutlery and started washing them while I cleaned up the table.

“Did you need any help drying?” I asked Anne after the table was spotless.

“Oh no it’s alright, go up to Harry and get ready for whatever you are doing today.” Anne insisted, waving me off.

“Okay but if you need help with anything just let me know, I am more than happy to help after you have welcomed me into your home.” I replied, smiling back at her before turning around and making my way upstairs and into Harry’s room. I opened the door, stifling my laughs as I saw the state that Harry was in. He stumbled around the room, his t-shirt caught around his arms as he tried to shrug it on but failing. His arms waved around crazily in the air, trying in vain to loosen the shirt before he sighed.

“Need some help?” I said, laughing when he jumped and tripped, almost falling face first before he caught himself.

“Well this isn’t embarrassing at all.” He mumbled, making me giggle as I made my way over and started to pull the shirt over his head. As I pulled the collar over Harry’s head, I couldn’t help but smile as I saw the blush spread lightly across his cheeks. I just continued to smile at him, kissing his cheek briefly before turning towards my bag to grab some clean clothes to wear and entering the bathroom. I quickly changed before brushing my teeth and tying my hair back into a high ponytail. I walked back out into the bedroom to see Harry splayed out on the bed, playing on his phone.

I walked over and laid beside him, resting my head on his shoulder as his arm wound around me and placed his phone on the bedside table.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked, raising my head to look at him as he smiled softly down at me.

“Well I wanted to take you out to meet my old friends, I haven’t seen them in ages and would love to catch up with them.” He said, his eyes lighting up in excitement. I nodded, nervous to meet his friends but happy for Harry to see them again after all the time he had been away. He started to tell me about his friends and what they are doing now, getting more excited every minute. Suddenly Harry was cut off the doorbell ringing. Since I figured Anne would now be getting ready herself, I got off of the bed pushing away Harry’s arms as he reached for me, pouting childishly and making grabby hands at me.

“I am just going downstairs, calm down. Clingy.” I said, poking my tongue out at him before making my way out of the room and downstairs to the door. I didn’t bother looking through the peep hole on the door, instead swinging the door open and smiling kindly at whoever was at the door. As soon as I recognised the people standing in front of me the smile dropped from my face and I wished I  had looked before opening the door. Stood in front of me were two representatives of One Directions Management, disappointed looks on their faces as they looked down at me with heavy stares.

“Oh shit.” I heard from behind me, making me turn around to see Harry paused halfway down the stairs a mixture of shock and worry on his face.

“We need to talk Harry.” One of the men said, sending shivers down my back. Oh shit indeed.


Sorry for the wait everyone, I have had half of this chapter written for literally months but due to school I haven’t been able to finish it and update it. But it is up now and I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and vote and I will update soon :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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