Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


/Meaghan’s POV/

“Why haven’t you been texting me back? That isn’t very nice.” Molly said, faking hurt before smirking at me.

“Too busy with your new friends?” She sneered, although I could see the hurt in her eyes.

“Oh well, soon Harry will dump you and you will know what it is like to have everyone leave you. You don’t deserve him and it is just a matter of time until he sees that and leaves. I am surprised he hasn’t realised already.” She said, smirking as she knew she hit a nerve. I felt tears reach my eyes and before I could defend myself she cut me off.

“You just wait. He will break your heart and leave you alone.” She said, looking at her nails as I flinched at her words.

“He will chew you up and then spit you out, but I think you know that and are clinging to the hope that he won’t. But you should just give up now.” She said, knowing that it would make me crack. I felt tears run down my face, as I suddenly realised that what she has said could happen.

“Well I have to go now, text you later.” She said sweetly, winking at me before she strutted away. Once she was out of my sight, I rushed through the back of the store wiping my eyes as I kept my head down to avoid being seen. I made it to a nearby bathroom and rushed in, leaning against the door as I let out a quiet sob.

I put my head in my hands as I thought over what she had said. Maybe he didn’t love me like he said? He is probably just waiting for a good time to break my heart… Tears continued to stream down my face as I slid down the door and plopped down to the floor.

My phone suddenly rang out, making me jump as it echoed around the room. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the Caller ID to see it was Harry. I placed it back on the floor, worried that if I answered he would realise I was crying and realised how pathetic I was.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. ‘No, Harry wouldn’t do that to me, he wouldn’t have planned that special night and said he loved me if he didn’t mean it. He does love me and doesn’t think I am pathetic.’ I thought to myself, wiping my eyes lightly. I stood up, walking over to the row of mirrors lining the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirrors and couldn’t help but look at all of my imperfections. Was my forehead too big? My thighs a bit too thick? Was I pretty enough? I couldn’t help but think of the many ways I could be better. I used to be happy with myself and think I was pretty, but my confidence has been stripped, and I can’t help but wonder why Harry likes me. Or liked me?

My phone ringing brought me once again out of my thoughts. Knowing it was Harry, I ignored it, needing a few more minutes to myself so that I could get rid of any of the tear stains and look presentable.

I turned on the tap, splashing some cold water on my face to get rid of the tears. I dried my face, smiling slightly at the fact that I looked normal again. I quickly fixed any hairs that had come out of my braid and fixed my clothes before I felt like I was looking reasonable. I sighed quietly to myself before grabbing my bag and my phone before making my way out of the bathroom slowly. I walked through the shopping centre, shuddering as I passed the shop Molly dragged me into.

I rubbed my wrist lightly, looking down at it to see that it was bleeding slightly from where she gripped me tightly and her nails dug in. I grimaced, hoping that none of them noticed it, although it was small so they hopefully wouldn’t. I walked towards the music store where Harry, Louis and Eva were signing things. I saw the back of Harry’s head as he sat on a bench nearby with his head in his hands. Louis and Eva were in the seat opposite him whispering to each other quietly. Eva looked up when she saw me approach and relief flooded her features, she kicked Harry lightly. He looked up and she gestured to me. He looked over, looking relieved as he jumped up and rushed over.

“Where did you go? I was worried!” He said as he pulled me into his arms tightly.

“I am sorry. I got a bit overwhelmed by the crowd of people and needed to get some fresh air.” I lied, feeling horrible.

“You should have told me.” He said, looking down at me, worry still in his eyes.

“I didn’t want to interrupt.” I said simply, smiling at him slightly.

“Ok, but you could have answered your phone when I called.” He said, looking down at me with an eyebrow raised.

“I didn’t hear you call, I was spaced out.” I said, hoping he bought it. His features softened slightly as he smiled at me.

“Okay, next time, please don’t leave? I got worried when you didn’t answer.” He said quietly, looking embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, I won’t leave again.” I said quietly, smiling at how caring he was, although I still couldn’t stop the thoughts that it was all fake.

“Come on, I don’t want to stay here anymore.” Harry said, grabbing my hand as we walked over to the others. They stood up and we made our way to the car, before making our way home. The whole time I was silent, thinking over everything that happened today. Eventually I realised that I would have to talk to someone about what was happening soon, because if I kept my thoughts to myself, I would most likely go crazy.


Hey everyone, hope you liked this chapter. It is not as happy as previous chapters, but this was necessary. Plus, wasn’t Harry so cute at the end? XD


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