Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


/Meaghan’s POV/

I closed my eyes after reading the text message, breathing deeply as I tried to calm myself down.

I had been getting text messages from Molly ever since the world found out about Harry and I, all saying I wasn’t good enough for him.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I felt my confidence drop, realising Harry could have any girl in the world that are prettier than me. I wiped my eyes as I realised I had started crying. I turned on the tap and washed my face, getting rid of some of the redness.

When Molly had first started texting me a few months ago, I didn’t believe for a second that anything she said was true and I could look in the mirror and feel happy about myself. Now after numerous text messages, I felt myself begin to believe her and I could hardly find anything that Harry would like about me.

I looked away from the mirror, feeling ashamed at how I was thinking.

“If Harry didn’t like me, we wouldn’t be dating right now.” I muttered to myself as I walked over to the door and pulled on the handle. As I walked out I bumped into a hard chest. I almost fell over from the impact but felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Harry standing there, looking down at me worried.

“Are you okay?” He asked, holding me tightly.

“Yeah I am fine.” I said, smiling at him slightly. He didn’t look like he believed me much but nodded, kissing me on the lips quickly. I grabbed his hand, pulling him back into the restaurant where the others were at the counter paying the bill.

Angel turned around and looked at me, raising her eyebrows in a silent question. I shook my head at her slightly and she relaxed a bit.

I told Angel about the text messages when I first started getting them and she told me not to believe them. She thought they had stopped though and she didn’t know they were slowly making me believe them.

After the boys had paid we walked outside and jumped into the car. I leaned my head against the window, looking out at the city that I would be leaving in a few days. I felt a hand slip into my own and looked over to see Harry smiling at me softly. I smiled back before lying my head on his chest.

“So what are you giving me for Christmas?” Louis asked, looking at me excitedly.

“I was meant to get you a present?” I asked, watching his face fall.

“I mean, it was your birthday today why give you more presents.” I said sarcastically, watching as he realised I was joking.

“That was mean, you know I take my presents seriously.” He pouted, putting his head on Eva’s shoulder.

“Who is the guy in this relationship?” Eva said sarcastically, pushing him off of her.

“I am obviously the man in the relationship.” Louis said, flexing his muscles. I leant over and pinched him, making him squeal loudly.

“Now we know.” I said smugly, making Eva and Harry chuckle while Louis glared at me. I smiled innocently at him before wrapping my arms around Harry again and closing my eyes. Harry started humming to me lightly, making me smile softly as he stroked my hair.

After another ten minutes we arrived back at the hotel. We jumped out just as the other car arrived with the others in it, so we waited for them to get out. There were some American fans standing outside the hotel, so the boys walked over and signed a few things while Eva, April and Luna skipped over to random fans and joked around with them.

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