Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


/Meaghan’s POV/

I stepped out of the plane, glad to finally be back on the ground after hours of flying. The  whole time all I did was go over what Molly said, unable to get her words out of my head.

I felt horrible even considering that Harry was like that, since I knew he wasn’t but after months of text messages I couldn’t help but doubt that I am good enough for him.

I made my way through the gates and into the airport, looking around excitedly for my Mum and Dad. I spotted them after a few seconds, smiling at me and waving excitedly. I quickly made my way over and was engulfed quickly by my Mum’s arms.

“I am so happy you are back!” She said, squeezing me tightly.

“I missed you too Mum.” I said, before untangling myself from her arms and turning to my Dad.

“Firstly, Angel will not be happy if you haven’t saved her some of your brownies.” I said, smiling at him cheekily.

“Well she is in luck!” He laughed, smothering me in a hug.

“Well she is good then. I missed you.” I said, smiling at him happily.

“Miss you too Meaghan.” He said, unwrapping his arms from around me as the girls walked up.

“Just leave us to fend for ourselves why don’t you?” Angel said, looking at me flustered.

“Yup, but it’s okay because Dad has brownies.” I laughed, watching as she jumped at my Dad and hugged him.

“I missed you second Dad!” She said, wrapping her arms around him.

“Missed you too, my favourite daughter.” He said, winking at me cheekily.

“Offensive!” I said, holding my heart jokingly before turning back to the others.

“So how about we get your bags and then leave?” My Mum said.

“Okay!” I said, before we started walking towards the luggage carousel. I grabbed my bags as soon as I saw them, stepping back and laughing as I noticed Luna and Eva lying down on the conveyor belt.

“Guys, get your bags and get off! Security is going to come.” April laughed, snapping a photo quickly and most likely tweeting it. They jumped off quickly and grabbed their bags, just as security came around the corner. They smiled innocently at them as the security looked at them suspiciously, before finally turning and walking away. As soon as they left, Luna and Eva started laughing at the fact that they weren’t caught.

“You guys are lucky, you could have been arrested.” Angel said, smiling at their stupidity.

“Now let’s go!” I said, wheeling my suitcase over to my parents who were waiting at the door, the girls following. We all walked out to my parents Range Rover and squished our suitcases into the back before jumping in, barely fitting us all inside.

We drove back to our place, telling my parents about America as they drove. Once we arrived, we jumped out of the car and grabbed our bags before I turned back to my parents.

“Thank you for picking us up.” I said hugging them both tightly.

“Anytime, just give us a call.” My mum said happily.

“Well I will come over tomorrow, at the moment I just want to relax.” I said tiredly.

“Okay, see you tomorrow. Love you.” My Mum said, kissing my cheek before jumping into the car.

“Love you both.” I said, watching as my Dad grabbed something out of the car before turning to face me.

“Here are your brownies, almost forgot them.”  He laughed, passing them to me before kissing my cheek.

“Thanks Dad.” I smiled, hugging him again before he jumped into the car and they drove away.

“BROWNIES!” Angel yelled, looking at me excitedly.

“We will spread them evenly.” I said sternly, smirking as she pouted. I started towards the house, dragging my bags behind me with the girls following. Once I was inside I dumped my bag onto the floor in the lounge room before walking into the kitchen, placing the brownies on the table. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water since it was the only thing we had left, before I cut up the brownies. I placed some on a plate for myself before putting the rest in the fridge for the others.

I then walked out to the lounge room where the girls were lying around, looking exhausted.

“I have left you guys brownies in the fridge, I am going to my room to unpack and then sleep.” I said.

“Can I just have your plate? I don’t want to move.” Angel groaned, looking at me cutely.

“No, get off of your butt and get some.” I laughed, hugging them all quickly before grabbing my bags in one hand and my plate in the other and going into my room. I placed my plate onto my bedside table before putting my bags onto the bed and unzipping it.

I started pulling out my clothes, putting the ones that needed to be cleaned into the clothes basket and placing all of my toiletries back into the bathroom. After about half an hour I had finally finished unpacking all of the things I had taken. I flopped onto my bed and turned on the TV, putting on the movie channel and smiling when I realised Cars 2 was on.

I grabbed my plate of brownies from the table, taking a bite.

“Holy shit, so good!” I said to myself, laughing at how it would sound if anyone else heard me say it.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, making me jump before I grabbed it, answering before seeing who it was.

“Hello?” I said, sitting up and putting my brownies  onto the table.

“Hey babe, it’s Harry.” A familiar voice said.

“Oh hey Harry, what have you been doing?” I asked, glad that I could talk to him so soon.

“Well we just had lunch here, wasn’t the same without you here.” He said, sounding upset.

“I miss you too. It is so weird with the time difference. It is 10pm here…” I sighed, leaning back on the headboard of my bed.

“Well we will talk whenever we can, everything will be alright.” Harry said, making me smile as I remembered our date a few nights ago.

“And we can skype.” I said.

“Yeah, so I can see your beautiful face.” He said, making me blush.

“Yeah, whatever you say.” I joked.

“Well it is late there and you are probably tired from the flight, go to bed. We can talk tomorrow.” He said.

“Okay, love you.” I said, lying down in my bed and pulling the covers over me.

“Love you too Meaghan. Bye.” He said, his voice calming me down and making me more tired.

“Bye Haz.” I said tiredly, hanging up before I snuggled into my covers, quickly falling into a restless sleep since Harry wasn’t next to me.


Hey everyone, hope you liked this chapter! Sorry that I didn’t update last week, I worked on my one shots instead ahah. Next chapter will be two weeks ahead since there is nothing interesting to happen and I want to keep it interesting.

There is no goal this chapter, but please vote and comment so I know what you think :)


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