Authors Note-Story Voting

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As you may realise due to the title, this is not a chapter and is being put on all of my currently being written stories. I hardly update my stories lately because of writers block and I figure that maybe if I focus on one story then I would update more frequently and then move onto the next etc.

So my question to my readers is, which stories do you prefer? It is obviously out of I Won’t Give Up, Will You Catch Me If I Fall? and Bleeding Love.

Please comment in the story you would prefer on this chapter (Remember it is on each of them) to let me know and I will make an order in which I will write the stories. The one that gets the most votes will be continued while the others are put on hold.

I might still do two stories if they have enough votes. It also might help if you vote on this chapter and other chapters (hint hint nudge nudge)

Okay so I will give you about a week to vote on the stories maybe sooner if the voting stops.

Thank you :)


Will You Catch Me If I Fall? (Sequel to Look After You)Where stories live. Discover now