Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


/Meaghan’s POV/

I was woken up the next morning by the alarm I had set going off. I reached over and grabbed my phone, quickly turning off the alarm before it woke up Harry. I slipped out of the bed, walking into the bathroom and getting changed into a pair of leggings and a loose black t-shirt. I brushed my hair, deciding to lead it out. I then grabbed my phone and quickly walked out of the hotel room and into the corridor. I slid down the wall, typing in my mum’s number and pressing call.

After a few rings she picked up.

“Meaghan! Merry Christmas darling!” I heard her cheery voice say through the line.

“Merry Christmas Mum. How was your day?” I asked, smiling slightly at the thought of our crazy Christmases.

“My day was great, we had your aunt and uncle come around. Your presents are under the tree, we will come visit you when you get back.” She said.

“Well at least it isn’t just you and Dad there, you would do nothing all day.” I said and smiled as her laugh filled my ears.

“What time is it there?” She asked.

“It is 6 in the morning.” I said, yawning as I spoke.

“Wow! Time zones are crazy. It is 8 o’clock here. When are you coming home?”

“The 27th, so in two days.” I said, frowning at how little time I had left with Harry.

“Well I can’t wait to see you and neither can your father.” She said happily and I laughed at her excitement.

“How is Dad?” I asked, having not talked to him in a while.

“He is currently making dessert.” She said.

“Now I am jealous.” I groaned, knowing how good his desserts are.

“I will get him to make you something for when we see you.” She laughed.

“Yay!” I said excitedly.

“Well I have to go hun, I will see you when you get back. Love you.” She said.

“Okay Mum, love you too. Bye!” I said before she hung up. I stood up just as Angel walked out of her room. She looked down at me and smiled.

“Merry Christmas!” I said excitedly as I hugged her.

“Merry Christmas to you too! Did you just talk to your Mum?” She asked as she pulled out her phone.

“Yup, and Dad is making dessert.” I said, knowing how much she loved his baking.

“Oh damn, I know you will get one when you get home so you better share.” She said, making me laugh.

“Of course! Now talk to your family.” I laughed before waving as I walked back into my room. When I walked in I saw that Harry was sitting on the bed, his phone to his ear with a cute smile on his face. He looked up as I entered and smiled at me as I waved at him before going into the kitchen while he finished his conversation. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat on the bench, swinging my legs back and forth as I hummed carols to myself happily. I heard laughing and looked over to see Harry leaning against the frame smirking at me.

“You have a beautiful voice.” He said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

“Oh I know, better than yours. Maybe I should be the famous one.” I joked as I put my glass down before wrapping my arms around him.

Will You Catch Me If I Fall? (Sequel to Look After You)Where stories live. Discover now