Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


/Meaghan’s POV/

I woke up towards the end of the flight, my stomach rumbling for not eating for 10 hours.  I sat up properly, careful not to wake up Harry. I then stood up and slid past Harry and made my way into the bathroom, passing many sleeping passengers as I went. Once I entered I looked at myself in the mirror before splashing my face with water and retying my hair into a neat ponytail. I then made my way back out, smiling at one of the air hostesses as I passed.

Once I arrived back at my seat I look down to see Harry still asleep so I quietly slid between his legs and the chair. Suddenly his arms grabbed onto me and I was pulled onto his lap, making me squeal lightly.

“Far out Harry you scared the shit out of me and I could have woken someone up.” I whispered to him.

“Sorry I couldn’t help myself.” He laughed, kissing me lightly on the lips. I rolled my eyes at him before getting off of his lap and sitting down in my seat, leaning my head against his shoulder. A few minutes later our food came around and we ate in silence. The food wasn’t very good but I was hungry so I didn’t care.

After I was finished I turned on the TV again and watched Glee episodes for the next few hours. Eventually we were about to land so I fixed up my chair and put away all of my carry on away before putting on my seatbelt again.

Once we landed I got out of my seat and grabbed my carry on before making my way off of the plane hand in hand with Harry. Once we stepped off of the plane and made our way to the airport terminal. As soon as we stepped inside, we were swarmed by paparazzi.

“Louis and Eva, have you moved in together?”

“Harry did you leave without asking management?”

“Where are Niall, Liam and Zayn?”

We ignored all of the questions and made our way through the crowd and out to the car where we all jumped in and drove away.

“Well that was different. I will never get used to that.” I sighed, leaning against Harry tiredly.

“Well I guess you will have to get used to it.” Harry said.

“Yeah because you will be with us forever and ever and ever and ever.” Louis said, echoing the ever for a few seconds.

“Oh the joy it brings me to know that I will see your pretty face every day.” I joked, ruffling his hair and making him grumble at me angrily.

“Aww poor Louis, don’t like Meg touching your hair?” Eva cooed. He nodded at her sadly and she laughed before messing up his hair more. Soon we arrived at Harry and Louis apartment although Louis and Eva had chosen an apartment to live in and would only be there for a few more days. We pulled our luggage out of the car and made our way up to the room, throwing our things onto the floor. I then flopped down onto the couch, too tired to do anything else than lay there.

Harry came over and lied down beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes he stood up, offering me his hand. I took it and he heaved me up, leading me to his bedroom. We both laid down on his bed, crawling under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillows sleepiness overcame me and I muttered a goodnight to Harry before falling asleep quickly.


I was woken up by Harry slowly making his way out of the bed. I rolled over and watched as he stretched before pulling on a fresh pair of track pants and a shirt. He then turned around, smiling softly when he saw I was awake.

“Morning babe, how was your sleep?” He asked, sitting back down and hugging me.

“It was good. What time is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes before kissing his cheek.

“It’s 10am. Management called last night while you were asleep and they said they were coming around to have a talk with us.” He said, looking nervous.

“Us? Shit we are in trouble.” I said worriedly, looking at him with wide eyes.

“Hey, it’s alright. They can’t be mad at you since you didn’t know.” He said, kissing my lips softly before getting back out of the bed. I got out as well, walking over to my suitcase which Harry must have grabbed from the lounge room for me last night. I pulled out a pair of leggings and a random t-shirt before making my way into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and jumped into the shower, feeling better as the water washed away the gross feeling from the plane. Once I was finished I jumped out of the shower, dried myself off and got changed before making my way back into the bedroom. I tied my hair in a braid before putting away my dirty clothes and making my way out to the lounge room where I heard Louis, Eva and Harry talking loudly.

“God guys, ever heard of inside voices?” I said, trying to joke a little bit although it came out quiet and worried.

“Come here.” Harry said softly, opening his arms for me. I walked over to him quietly and sat down next to him, his arms immediately wrapping around me, making me feel a bit better.

“It will be fine, none of this is your fault. I chose to leave because I missed you.” He whispered to me, running his fingers through my hair soothingly. I breathed out slowly, my nerves calming with his words. I smiled up at him before resting my head in the crook of his neck, feeling better thanks to him.

Suddenly the doorbell rung, making me stiffen immediately as I knew who it would be. I felt Harry rub my back softly as Louis mumbled something before making his way to the door. There were a few words spoken at the door as I raised my head up to see Louis talking quietly with two men in suits, the men looking slightly angry. I sat up straight, unwrapping myself from Harry’s arms and instead grabbing his, squeezing it slightly.

Eva made eye contact with me, giving me a comforting smile before getting up and going into the kitchen, obviously not wanting to be around the management. I wished I could go with her and not talk to these people. Louis walked into the lounge room, the two men following him. Louis gestured to the seat across from us that he and Eva just occupied before walking into the kitchen.

The two men sat down across from us, looking at Harry and I angrily. I gulped and leaned into Harry a bit more before they spoke.


Hey everyone, sorry I didn’t update last Monday, I stupidly thought I had finished the chapter and uploaded it only to check today and see that I didn’t *facepalm*

Hope you like this chapter, the next chapter will be up in a few days so yay!!

Sorry if these last few chapters have been boring but it will get better soon. I am not sure how I am planning to finish as I only have it planned to chapter 18 and then I have no clue. Sequels suck, never again.

I feel like I am missing something in this author's note but I can't remember. If I do I will edit this but knowing me I will never remember.


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