Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


/Meaghan’s POV/

“You need to be less reckless. Do you have a brain? What were you thinking?” The first man said angrily.

“You can’t just get up and leave for your girlfriend whenever you want, you have the album to think about.” The other said. I shrunk back into Harry’s side, frightened by the glares they were giving me as if it was all my fault. I suddenly felt Harry’s grip on my hand become tighter before he wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me into his side.

“None of this is Meaghan’s fault.” Harry said calmly although sounding quite intimidating.

“Are you kidding? I bet you she helped you plan to leave!” The second one sneered, making me jump at the tone in his voice.

“Just so you know, I surprised her by visiting her, she didn’t know! And when she realised I was meant to be in London she told me I should go! None of this is her fault.” He said sounding angry. I rubbed his back softly, trying to calm him down as the two men look at him apprehensively, shocked at his outburst.

Suddenly Louis walked back in, obviously hearing what happened and realising that the meeting is over.

“Well I guess the meeting is over now. If you wouldn’t mind leaving, I will show you the door.” Louis said, sounding relieved that it was over.

“Okay, well Harry and Louis you will need to be at the recording studio tomorrow. Please be there.” They both said, standing from their seats and making their way to the door, Louis following them and saying goodbye before closing the door behind them and sighing in relief.

“Well I guess that went well?” He joked, making me laugh slightly although I was still shaken up from the looks they gave me.

Harry sighed loudly before resting his head in his hands, muttering to himself angrily. I looked over at him, placing my hand on his shoulder lightly and rubbing it soothingly. He relaxed slightly before he turned his head to look at me, smiling softly at me.

“Are you sure I should be here?” I whispered, worried that I wasn’t wanted here.

“What do you mean? Of course you should be here!” He said frantically, looking worried that I would leave.

“I just don’t want to ruin your career or something. I mean, management quite obviously doesn’t like me much.” I sighed, looking away and down at my hands.

“Who cares what management think of you? I don’t. I want you here because I love you and you haven’t done anything to stuff up our careers.” He said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently. I looked up, smiling at him softly as I ran a hand through my hair.

“I love you too.” I said, kissing him lightly on the lips before resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

“That was a lot to deal with in the morning.” Eva said as she and Louis entered again, smiling at us sympathetically.

“I hate those assholes, they were the same ones that talked to me after Eva and I got back together.” Louis said. I looked up at him curiously, having not heard about this. Apparently neither had Harry as he looked up at them with the same look.

“What do you mean?” He asked, looking slightly worried as Eva and Louis sighed before sitting down opposite us.


/Eva’s POV/

Louis and I sat down, sighing as we got ready to tell them about what happened. It was a horrible meeting with the two men whose names I never learnt, one that I never wanted to have again.

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