Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


/Meaghan’s POV/

It had been a few days since we had arrived in England, Louis and Harry working every day in order to finish the album in time. While they were in the recording studio, Eva and I did stuff together, becoming closer than we were before.

Eva and I walked down the street, heading towards Starbucks before our day of pampering. I had forced Eva to come with me although I knew she really would rather do something else. As we entered the small coffee shop, a smile spread across my face glad that there were a lot in London, unlike Australia. We made our way to the counter and ordered our drinks before receiving them and sitting at one of the small tables off to the side of the store.

“Are you and Harry okay after what happened?” Eva asked, looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

“Yeah we are fine.” I said, smiling at her fakely although all I really wanted to do was crawl into a ball and cry. After what had happened with management, Harry had become really stressed and tense always serious and avoiding the whole subject of what happened. It was worrying me that maybe he was second guessing our relationship and management were slowly convincing him that we weren’t meant to be together. Part of me was worried that Molly is actually right and Harry will leave me which leads to slight panic attacks when no one is around.

“Are you sure?” She asked, sensing that I wasn’t saying something.

“Yeah, everything is perfect.” I said, wanting her to drop it, which luckily she did. After we had finished our coffees we made our way out of the store and down the street to the nearby spa where we planned to spend the next few hours getting massages, manicures and pedicures, face masks and any other relaxing things that were up for offer. A bell jingled as we entered and calming music played through the area making me feel like I was in a dream.

We approached the reception desk where a lady was sitting filling out forms and answering calls.

“Hi, how may I help you?” She asked, looking up at us with a smile on her face.

“Hi we were wandering if we could have a full spa treatment for two?” Eva asked, smiling at the lady warmly.

“Sure, just through here and change into the bathrobes and then lie down on the massage table and the masseuse will be in soon.” She said, pointing to a door beside the desk.

“Thank you.” I smiled, before walking through the door and into a dimly lit room. I quickly changed into the bathrobe before I lied down on the table beside Eva.


After our massages, manicures, pedicures and face masks we paid for the treatments before making our way out of the store feeling relaxed.

“That was amazing.” Eva sighed in content as we made our way back to the apartment.

“I know, I feel like I am floating on hundreds of fairy floss clouds.” I said dreamily before we cracked up laughing. When we arrived at the apartment I flopped down on the couch watching as Eva ran around looking for something.

“What are you doing?” I asked curiously.

“I have to go to a job interview for a music magazine.” She said happily, grabbing her bag.

“Ok well good luck, when will you be back?” I asked.

“Two or three hours, Louis and I are going out afterwards. Harry should be back in an hour or two. I will see you later.” She said, waving before rushing out of the door.

“Bye! Good luck again!” I yelled just before the door closed. I snuggled further into the couch, feeling like nothing could ruin my mood. Just as I thought this my phone went off, making me smile and hope that it was Harry. I opened up my phone groaning when I saw that it was Molly. I debated opening it or just leaving it there and not ruining my mood. I sighed, deciding that it couldn’t be that bad and pressed open, immediately regretting it when I saw what it said.


To: Meaghan

Hi again, haven’t talked in a while. Have been busy talking to people that I have things in common with, like our hatred for you. I even decided that maybe you should see some of them.

Enjoy xx

From: Molly


I covered my mouth as I clicked on the attachments and saw what some of the boys fans said. A lot of them were mainly things about how I was a fat, ugly, a bitch, only liked Harry for his fame, I didn’t deserve him and how I just stole him away from them. I felt my heart break and tears started to fall as I broke down, unable to handle any of the hate anymore. I curled up on the couch, sobs wracking through my chest as all of the feelings I had been holding inside for the last few months spilled out.

I don’t know how long I lied there with tears streaming down my face before I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of the front door opening. I immediately became quiet and quickly wiped my eyes and tried to stop the tears, not wanting whoever it was to see me in this state. I prayed it wasn’t Harry, unsure of what I would say to explain this.

I heard footsteps making their way towards me and held my knees tighter to my body, hiding my face in shame. Suddenly the footsteps stopped and I felt a presence over me.

“Meaghan?” I heard a familiar husky voice say, making me freeze in shock. I slowly looked up all the while hoping I didn’t look too bad, to look into the eyes of the last person I wanted to see me like this.


Hey everyone, hope you like this update. Hopefully I will be able to update this week since my birthday is on Thursday and that weekend I am busy as hell. Let me know what you think :)


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