Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


/Meaghan’s POV/

“Hurry up Harry, we are going to be late!” I yelled from the door, waiting for Harry to get changed so we could go to my parents’ house for lunch.

He rushed out looking slightly flustered, running his hands through his hair. We had spent most of the morning packing Harry’s things since Louis, Eva and Harry were leaving for London tomorrow. We lost track of time and were running late for the lunch. I grabbed his hand and we walked outside and jumped in the car. Ten minutes later we arrived at my parents’ house. I jumped out of the car and made my way to the front of the car where Harry was waiting. I grabbed his hand again and we made our way to the door, knocking on it loudly. A few seconds later it was pulled open by my smiling mother.

“Meaghan!” She said smothering me in a hug before looking at Harry.

“Ah so this is Harry?” She said, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Hi miss, I’m Harry Styles.” He said politely.

“I saw you on the news, seems as though you left London without permission to visit my daughter.” She said, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.

“Yeah, that was me.” Harry said, sounding worried. I stood watching this conversation with an amused smile on my face as Harry looked at me with wide eyes.

“Well I am glad because it shows you put my daughter first.” She finally said, smiling widely and pulling Harry into a hug. I shook my head at my mother’s behaviour, laughing lightly at Harry’s relieved expression as he hugged her back.

“Now please come in, lunch is nearly ready.” She smiled gesturing for us to enter.

“God Mum, I am your daughter. No need to be so formal.” I said cheekily as I walked past.

“Well what about Harry?” She asked.

“He’s just Harry.” I laughed, grabbing his hand as we made our way into the dining room. Sitting at the table reading a newspaper was my Dad. As we entered he looked up, a smile spreading across his  face as he stood up.

“Meggles!!” He said cheerily, pulling me into a big hug.

“Hey Dad.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around him happily.

“How have you been darling?” He asked as he let me go.

“I have been good. This is Harry.” I said, gesturing to Harry.

“Ahh so this is the famous Harry Styles of One Direction!” He said, holding his hand out to Harry. Harry took his hand, smiling at my Dad.

“Yes Sir.” He said, making me laugh quietly at how formal he was being.

“You seem alright I guess.” My Dad joked, before laughing and sitting down. I sat down opposite him, Harry sitting beside me. I grabbed his hand under the table, smiling at him slightly. He smiled back, still looking a bit nervous.

My Mum brought out the food we were eating, which happened to be tacos. Harry’s smile widened as he looked at the food hungrily.

“Someone likes tacos.” I teased jabbing him lightly, although I doubt he noticed as we started putting the food on our plates.


“That wasn’t too bad was it?” I said after we jumped into the car and were on our way home.

“No, your parents are great.” Harry smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Now you have to meet my parents.” He said happily.

“Won’t be for a while though, since I don’t have the money to fly over and you are busy with the band.” I said, bobbing my head to the music. I look over at Harry to see him staring at the road, a troubled look on his face.

“Are you alright Harry?” I asked, looking at him worriedly. We had just pulled up at the house so Harry turned off the ignition and turned around in his seat to face me.

“I don’t think I can handle not seeing you for months.” He said, looking at me intensely. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him sadly, not knowing what to say to brighten things up.

I looked up to see his face light up suddenly, before he jumped out of the car and rushed inside. I jumped out after him before cautiously making my way into the house, walking up to my bedroom to see Harry grabbing out his laptop and typing away at it.

“Harry, what are you doing?” I asked as I sat on the bed next to him. He turned and seemed to realise he hadn’t told me what was going on.

“Okay, well you know how I said I didn’t like being away from you?” He asked. I nodded, not sure what he was getting to.

“Well, why don’t you come with me?!?” He said excitedly, smiling at me happily.

“I mean, you can meet my parents as well.” He added, still grinning widely. I looked at him shocked, before it sunk in. I smiled at him widely before attacking him into a hug.

“I take that as a yes?” He laughed.

“Definitely! This is going to be great!” I said jumping around happily. Suddenly I realised we were leaving and jumped up, pulling out a suitcase.

“I need to pack!” I said, running around grabbing things I needed as Harry laughed at me.

“Hey, are you going to help?” I asked and heard Harry groan before he got up to help. After about half an hour I had everything packed and was exhausted. Harry went down to tell everyone what was happening. I wasn’t worried about the other girls being jealous or lonely since Niall, Liam and Zayn were flying in as soon as Harry and Louis were back since they had done their solos and had a week off.

Once everything was sorted, I flopped down on the bed tiredly, excited for the trip to London tomorrow.


Hey everyone, here is the twelfth chapter of Will You Catch Me If I Fall? Hope you all liked it and that these chapters made up for not updating for a while.

10 votes and comments for the next chapter :D


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