Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


/Meaghan’s POV/

-Two Weeks Later-

It had been two weeks since we arrived back in Australia. For the first few days we just stayed at home being lazy but I have had work for the last few days, at a small clothes store which is pretty boring. Sometimes fans come in and I get worried that they will be rude and tell me horrible things but they are usually nice, just asking me how the boys are and saying they think Harry and I are cute together which makes me smile.

I haven’t been able to talk to Harry very often since the time zones and he is always busy with recording. We still text each other whenever we can but I get worried that we will drift apart or he will meet someone else. Molly’s text messages only make it worse, she sends one every day now and they are getting worse.

I haven’t talked to Harry in two days. He hasn’t been on Twitter or Skype and when I try calling him it goes straight to message bank, meaning it is turned off. I am normally not worried about this, since I am sure he is doing something important, but thanks to Molly I couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling that something was wrong.

“Hey Meaghan, I am going now!” I heard Eva shout, breaking me out of my worries. She was going to pick up Louis from the airport since he was flying into meet Eva’s parents before they fly back to London.

“Okay see you soon!” I yelled out in reply. I was the only one awake since it was 8 o’clock in the morning and I couldn’t sleep so got up early. I heard the door slam closed and decided to get out of my bed and have a shower. I grabbed a pair of short shorts and a singlet before walking into the bathroom and jumping into the shower. I stayed in for ten minutes, relaxing as the warm water ran down my body.

Eventually I jumped out, drying myself before I got changed, brushing my hair back into a high ponytail. Once I was done I slumped out of the room and into the kitchen, making myself a peanut butter sandwich. I then walked out into the lounge room and flopped onto the couch, turning on the TV.

After a while Luna, April and Angel came down stairs looking tired.

“Morning sleepy heads!” I said cheerily.

“Morning Meggles.” Angel said, sitting down next to me and resting her head on my shoulder. I patted her head softly before I shifted and stood up.

“You guys want breakfast?” I asked.

“Yes please!” Luna shouted, lying down on the floor. The others groaned in agreement, making me laugh before I entered the kitchen. I grabbed out the bacon and eggs, cooking them before plating it up and calling them in.

One by one they filed in tiredly before sitting at the bench in front of the plates and digging in quietly. I looked around for my phone, realising that I hadn’t checked my text messages this morning.  I went up to my room, looking on my bedside table and on the floor, sighing in frustration when I couldn’t find it.

“Shit, I left my phone at work yesterday.” I said to myself, as I realised that I had left it in the employee room.

“I have to go to work to get my phone, be back soon.” I said quickly, waving at the girls before walking out and onto the street. I jumped into my car and drove to the shop. I jumped out of the car before walking into the store, waving at Julia, the manager.

“Sorry, I left my phone here. Just going to grab it.” I said.

“That’s fine. When is your next shift?” Julia asked.

“In three days.” I said, before I walked into the back, sighing in relief when I saw my phone sitting at the table. I grabbed it before I walked back out, quickly saying goodbye to Julia before making my way to the car and jumping in.

Instead of going back to the house straight away, I decided to go to the grocery store since we were running low on food. I jumped out of the car, making my way into the store. I grabbed the trolley and made my way to through the isles, grabbing bread, milk, eggs, cereal and all the other stuff that we ate at the house. I made sure to grab a few bags of lollies for Angel, knowing that she would be asking for them later.

I made my way to check out, not really paying attention to where I was going until I bumped into someone.

“Oh, I am so sorry. Not thinking straight.” I laughed, looking down at the girl that was a few years younger than me.

“It’s fine, I am sorry as well.” She said still looking down. She slowly looked up, her face turning into one of shock as she saw me.

“Oh wow, you’re Meaghan!! I am a big fan of One Direction.” She gushed.

“Oh that is great.” I said, worried she would not like me.

“You and Harry are so cute as well! Don’t worry about what other people think.” She smiled.

“Thanks, glad some people like us.” I smiled.

“Any chance I can have your signature?” She said excitedly, grabbing a pen out of her bag and a random piece of paper.

“I guess? You realise I am not famous?” I laughed, writing my signature down.

“You may as well be!” She laughed.

“Okay well I have to go.” I smiled, hugging her lightly.

“Okay, bye!” She said happily before walking away, clicking away at her phone. My eyes widened as I realised she was on Twitter, so I rushed to the register and quickly paid, hoping that people didn’t come here and find out where we live. I looked at the phone, realising that Eva and Louis would be back at home by now.

I made my way to the car, glad that no one had gotten here. I put my stuff in the boot before jumping into the car and making my way home.

Once I got home, I realised that I had been right and that they were back. I jumped out of the car and went to the boot, grabbing the groceries and making my way inside slowly. I pushed open the door with my foot, before walking inside.

I walked inside to see Louis and Eva lying down on the couch watching TV.

“Hey Louis, good to see you again. I would come and hug you but I have bags and you look too cute.” I laughed, waving awkwardly with the bags.

“Hey Meg!” He smiled, looking excited about something.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

“No reason, no go put the groceries away!” He said, smirking at me.

“Whatever.” I groaned, making my way into the kitchen and putting the bags onto the bench.

I heard someone chuckle behind me, making me freeze.

“Hey babe, I missed you.” I heard a familiar voice say, shocking me. I turned around, not believing my eyes as I saw the person I had been missing most leaning against the wall.



Hey everyone! Here is the new chapter, since I got to 600 fans I thought I would update! I hope you like it. Please vote and comment!


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