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When Mirabel woke up she was in the nursery on her bed. Her head hurt and she couldn't find her glasses.

Casita saw she was awake and moved the floor boards sliding Mirabel's glasses to her. Mirabel took them and said. "Thanks Casita," she puts them on and sat up. What happened? She felt exhausted now that the fuzzy feeling in her head was clearing up. She was also starving, did she have dinner? She looks out the window and saw it was sunrise which meant she had to have been out for nearly twelve hours.

Must have been a wild party if I don't remember it. Maybe Camilo managed to sneak in some vodka this time.

Getting up from bed she left the nursery and went down to the kitchen stopping just outside the door when she heard the thunder meaning her Tia was upset.

Being quiet she snuck her ear over to hear what they were saying and her stomach dropped.

"This was how it started mama, this is how it happened with Bruno," She heard her Mama saying to her Abuela. Peeking her head around she saw all the grownups talking. Abuela, mama, papa, Tia Pepa, Tio Felix, and even Ms M. They all looked worried and Tia's thunder cloud had some light snow falling. Ms M looked deep in thought as the others talked around her.

"Mirabel is different to Bruno. As soon as we know what happened," Abuela began to say when Tia Pepa interjects. "Mama everyday she's more and more like him," it started snowing and Felix rubbed her shoulders. "Mi Vida is right Alma. It won't matter how it happened or what happened. The village will want answers on this and I'm not sure how we can spin this in our favour," Felix said. Her Tio Felix is a kind man, he treats her like a second daughter when she needs him most and never keeps things from her as far as she knew.

At his words Mirabel suddenly remembers what happened, how she lost control of her magic. Her eyes filled with fearful tears, what would the village think of her?

Her Abuela rubs her head and looks to Ms Mcgonagall. "Does this ministry of magic know about what's accrued?" She asks. Mirabel's heart drops, Harry told her how the ministry nearly got him expelled for underage magic that wasn't even his and was just a simple levitation spell. Mcgonagall had told her simple and small spells were out of the ministry's detection in her home due to how far it was and the magical protection surrounding the valley. But what she did was not simple magic, it was a lot of magic and it was dangerous.

"Fortunately no. I checked and it seems the barrier around your valley is stronger than I had suspected. No word of what accrued has reached them. I only heard about this because of the letter you sent," Mcgonagall explains and Mirabel sighs in relief. The others do the same. "It is not uncommon for witches and wizards around her age to accidentally perform magic when they're feeling strong emotions. I can assure you nothing like this has ever happened before with Mirabel, but it is to be expected if her emotions get too out of control and she doesn't have her wand as a outlet. As soon as we hear what really happened we can assess if I need to keep tabs on her magic more carefully," Mcgonagall said.

Mirabel decides to make herself known, to tell them what happened.

She peers around the corner and shyly said. "They were threatening to break my wand," all the adults look to her and Tia Pepa nearly strikes her husband with lightning seeing her. "Mirabel!" Her mama stands up from her chair knocking it over before Casita pushes it back up. "How long we're you listening?" Abuela asks more calmly with a threatening under cut. "Only the part about this stuff not being uncommon," Mirabel lies. The adults relax except for Mcgonagall who gives her a knowing look.

"Come nightlight, sit and tell us everything," her Abuela motions for her to sit on a chair Casita placed next to Abuela which Mirabel takes.

She than explains everything that happened and her Tia Pepa thunders and snow falls. "She wanted you to make a love potion to put on my sunshine!?" Tio Felix did not even try to calm her down because he wanted his wife to bury the girl in snow.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now