Just Relax

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The next morning Mirabel had woken up early. Getting out of her bed she's careful not to wake Antonio sleeping with her and she headed into the kitchen of the tent to begin breakfast.

Despite the rough start yesterday she is determined to make sure Luisa has the best vacation ever, she totally deserves it after all the hard work she does around the village. Also she's always dreamed of introducing Antonio to the magical world and this is the best opportunity. She's still tying a rope around him though so he does not get lost again.

Fuego lands on her shoulder with the mail and she smiles scratching her chin. "Had a nice flight?" She asks him and holds up some bacon. The bird eagerly eats it as Mirabel takes the mail and opens it. It's from her mama saying how the package Pepa sent is full of Antonio's clothes, but they'll be a bit wet. That's a relief and looking up Mirabel saw the package on the dining table. Leaving breakfast for a moment she opens it and takes the clothes out to dry on the chairs. She smells smoke and turns quickly getting back to the breakfast. She sighs in relief when she finds it was crispy, but not burnt.

"Something smells good," Mirabel turns and saw Luisa yawning as she came out of the shared room. Mirabel nods with a happy smile and holds up the food. "Not as good as mama's, but it's better than Tia Pepa's," she says with a bright smile. "Thank goodness for that. Now do we have any coffee?" Luisa agrees sitting down and Mirabel pours her a cup. "Just the way you like it," Mirabel said with a grin as she goes back to making breakfast.

"So what do I need to do?" Luisa asks. "Nothing!" Mirabel chirps happily as she puts the breakfast on plates. Luisa looks confused when she hears this. "Seriously sis you brought me to help you right?" Luisa asks. "I brought you to relax. You don't need to help or do any heavy lifting at all," Mirabel said with a bright smile. Luisa looks at her sister and is very confused. How can there be nothing for her to do?

"I'm going to wake Antonio up, enjoy breakfast we'll head out in a hour or so," Mirabel explains leaving to wake Antonio up and leaving Luisa. Luisa looks at her plate and thinks 'nothing to do?' She feels her eye start twitching.


The  three Madrigals left their tent as the sun was high in the sky. Mirabel kept her promise and tied a harness around Antonio because she does not care what other people think she is not loosing him again. "Okay Luisa, I've read everything we need to know and I have the perfect place to start off for you. The World Cup hosts smaller competitions and I thought you might like them," Mirabel explains as she pulls Antonio back from getting too close to a case with mischievous pixies in it.

"Lead the way sis," Luisa said looking around nervously. She had never been outside her village before and with how different everything was here she's really nervous.

They walked among the crowds and they kept a wide berth from the three of them, something Luisa noticed. "Umm sis? Why are they staying so far from us? Am I scaring them?" Luisa asks. It would not be the first time someone was intimidated by her size she was use to it, but sometimes it would hurt. "No it's me, remember that ceremony I had last year?" Mirabel asks and Luisa nodded. She remembers she had tried so hard to get enough chores done that should could go, but they just kept piling up and she was forced to miss it. "Well it's made me a bit of celebrity," Mirabel said with a giddy blush and laugh.

Luisa cannot remember what that ceremony was for, but she does know Isa told Mama and Papa something that had Mira grounded for two weeks. "Mirabel!" Mirabel stops turning as a boy Luisa's age ran up to her. He wore green and red and had a large grin seeing her. Mirabel grins too and said. "Hola Oliver, how have you been? Are you playing on the quidditch teams competing in the cup?" The boy, Oliver laughs. "Not there yet Mira. I just wanted to ask if your going to sign up for the obstacle course royal," He asks than sees Luisa behind her and he looks up at her.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now