A Magical Vacation

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Mirabel frowns as she looks at her portkey. It was a necklace with the Gryffindor insignia. A portkey was a magical device that would send her to a preplanned location, it was good for two trips one to the tournament and one back to the Encanto. Some could be used for a long time, but this one was special because despite Mcgonagall being the one to get the tickets she herself couldn't go to the game. She had planned to and to bring Mirabel with her as a birthday present, but something came up at the school that needed her attention so that's why Mirabel had the extra ticket. Ms M had given her a very detailed note on it and even highlighted some times where Mirabel's status could be applied if she was having any trouble. Usually her mentor told her to never do that and Mirabel agreed too, but even Mcgonagall admits when it may be easier to just go along with it.

Now all she needed was someone to go with her, Abuela was a obvious no, Camilo was not allowed to come because Tia said no, Antonio was too small, Tia Pepa would make a hurricane without Tio Felix, Isabela was not interested, Mama was busy with the village idiots, Papa could get seriously hurt, and the place would be too busy and loud for poor Delores.

Who did that leave? Who could use a break and have some fun?

As she thinks this a donkey passes her and she rolls her eyes. Those things are the real magic with how they always get out and Luisa has to get them all and; Mirabel sat up as the idea hit her. Luisa of course! No one needs a break more than her!

She stands up and runs through the town super fast looking for Luisa and found her rerouting the river again. "Luisa! Luis-ahh!" Mirabel slips on a rock and fell into the stream in front of her sister.

Luisa bends down and says amused. "Need some of Tia's wind?" She asks as Mirabel gets out of the stream ignoring how she was dripping wet. "Luisa! Do you want to go with me to the quidditch match?" Luisa blinks in surprise. "Uhh sorry sis, I'd love too but I got too many chores and," As she says this someone calls for her. "See?" "But you deserve a break!" Mirabel groans.

"I'm fine. Go and have fun I don't need a break," Mirabel could tell Luisa was lying, but she couldn't say anything before Luisa was called for again and she ran off.

Mirabel huffs, she knows Abuela would never let Luisa leave even though she deserves a break. Mirabel sat down wet from the river water. It was no fair, Luisa was a sweet heart and she deserved a break.

"Why are you sitting all wet?" Mirabel looks up and saw her other big sister Isabela. "I'm next to a river and as clumsy as papa, do the math," Mirabel grumbles. "Woah what's got you so annoyed? Did those jerks bother you again?" Isa asks ready to summon a carniverous plant.

"No it's Luisa," Mirabel said with a overdramatize huff. Isabela raised a perfect eyebrow in confusion. "Luisa?" Luisa is the sweetest hermama ever next to Mirabel and despite how she looks she has a heart of gold. "I want to take Luisa with me to the quidditch game because she deserves a break, but she said she's too busy with her chores to come even though I know if the people would remember that they have arms she would never have so many," Mirabel huffs annoyed.

Isabela can't help agreeing with Mirabel, but lucky for her she had a idea. "Here how about we have Madrigal sister team up and help out our big strong sister?" Isa asks. Mirabel eagerly nodded and stood up with a grin. Isa than gestures to Mirabel though.

"We need to get you dry first though," she says.

Time Skip

Luisa returns to Casita exhausted. Mirabel's tantrum had caused multiple houses to have weakened foundations so she had to deal with those on top of her usual chores. She doesn't blame her little hermana of course. Luisa knew what it was like to loose control sometimes and those jerks deserved it.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now