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(Had no idea what to name this chapter)

Harry watches as Mr Weasley struggles to put the tent up. He insisted to do it on his own, but it was really sad to watch him fail so badly at it. The Weasley family had two extra tickets so they invited Harry and Hermione along for the quidditch World Cup. They had also offered for Mirabel to come too, but she had not been replying to their letters nor has she been sending any nearly all week. Hermione tried to tell them not to be worried, but Harry could not help but worry. With them were all the Weasley children from smallest to biggest, though the oldest three were in a separate tent they had set up with magic.

"Uh so dad? Can me, Harry, and the girls head off? I want to go buy some merchandise," Ron asks his father. "Yeah son go ahead," Arthur grants.

The four of them quickly headed off to walk around the campsite for the quidditch World Cup. It was tonight, but Harry guesses by all the tents wizards could have come days or weeks ahead because some looked pretty ready for the long haul.

"I can't wait to see Victor Krum tonight, he is the coolest seeker ever!" Ron grins. "What about me?" Harry asks offended. "Oh your not even close to his level of cool mate," Ron said and Harry pouts at this complete and utter betrayal. "He's a artist you see? The way he rides on his broom," Ron fanboys. "Someone has a crush," Ginny teases.

Harry grins as the girls make fun of Ron's obsession over Victor Krum.

He looks around observing the festivities when he hears a familiar joyous shout. "Harry!" Harry turns and his face broke out into a wide grin. It was his godfather Sirius Black, a former inmate of Azkaban before he had been proven not guilty. He looked a lot better than last time, he wore a suit that was pure black making his pale skin look even more pale than usual and it was pretty pale on it's own from his years in Azkaban. He's the only person to ever leave that prison without loosing his mind. That was all due to him being a secret animagus, someone who can change into a animal and thanks to that he used it too keep his sanity.

"Sirius!" Harry runs over and gives him a tight hug as he pats Harry on the back. "I missed you!" Harry states with joy. "Oh and I missed you too Harry," He replies with a hearty laugh.

"When did you get here?" Sirius asks. "This morning, you?" Harry asks. "Few days, mostly spent it in my tent with Lupin. Not a fan of all these people after so long. I only came because I heard you were here," Sirius explains. "Lupin's here too? Where is he?" Hermione asks coming over. "Oh Hermione good to see you too, Ronald, Ginny, have you met up with Mirabel yet?" Sirius asks and the groups eyes lit up. "Mirabel's here?" Ginny asks excitedly. "She hasn't responded to any of our letters or sent any either," Hermione complains.

"You'll have to forgive her for that. She came with a stowaway and she's been using Fuego to keep them from running off," Sirius explains. "Who stowed away?" Harry asks. "Her primo Antonio, sweet kid. I looked after him my first night here. He absolutely adores animals it was just adorable really. It was nice to be around someone like him," Sirius said.

"Do you know where she is?" Ginny asks. "She's near where all the rich wizards set up. She has Fuego following her so just look for the Phoenix and you'll find her," Sirius advises.

"Thanks Sirius! See you soon," Harry said and hugs his god father again before the group went looking for their friend.

They passed several tents that became more and more extravagant. Harry remembers what Mr Weasley said about Wizards taking any chance they have to show off. "Look!" Ginny shakes Ron pointing to the sky where Harry saw the familiar Phoenix flying above.

Ginny quickly ran ahead and Hermione followed after.

"Mirabel!" Ginny calls in excitement. "Mira!" She continues looking to the sky when she crashes into a wall and falls over in the grass.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now