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Mcgonagall said she wished, hoped, and wanted to stay with Mirabel longer, make sure she was going to be alright. Sadly Mcgonagall had to prepare the school for what was too come. Mirabel understood, they had duties to attend. It was refreshing actually to go back to her family, it never changed, it was a comfort for her that everything was still the same here.

"Mirabel!" Antonio ran into her arms and she picked him up twirling him around. Antonio, sweet beautiful Antonio. He's what she needs right now, a big amazing hug from her amazing little Jaguar cub.

"Oh Antonio my little Jaguar your getting so big now!" She coos and he giggles as she put him down. Vines grew under her feet and Isabela used them to launched her into the air. Mirabel screams in delight as her other sister Luisa caught them in her arms and the sister's all laughed. "Hey Mira! My favourite Prima got any presents for me? Missing Christmas was a big deal after all so you better," Camilo butters his cousin up and she rolls her eyes. "Yes Camilo I got everyone presents," Mirabel said and Camilo grins happily.

The family came into the living room where Mirabel gave them all their presents and she got some for herself. "Hey Mira! We got this sent yesterday it's from some kid called Draco," Camilo said and Isabela looks up. "That wimpy blonde kid?" She asks. Mirabel took it and puts it behind her. "I'll open it later," she said hiding her blush.

Grinning Delores tips her head. "Why is your heart rate going up?" This interests everyone and Mirabel waves it off. "It's nothing," she said. "Your lying," Delores squeaks and Mirabel curses Delores ability to hear lies. "It's nothing," She insists hiding her face.

Grinning Camilo asks. "Got a boyfriend do you?" Camilo asks and Mirabel pushes his face. "He is not my boyfriend," She said. "My baby girl has a boyfriend!?" Augustine exclaims jaw dropped. "No I don't! He's just a friend," Mirabel insists. "Is he that blonde kid?" Luisa asks. "No it's not it's someone else," Mirabel insists.

"Oh so you have two boyfriends now?"

"Camilo shut up!"

"Nope! Not my youngest Mija she will never get a boyfriend on my watch,"

"Pepa she's mine stop trying to steal her!"

"Uh Juileta? I think Augustine is about too faint"

"Luisa we need to go to Hogwarts and teach this kid some rules,"

"On it. No one dates our hermana,"

"This is like my romance novels,"

"Everyone enough!" Abuela said in a firm voice quieting them all down from the chatter as she turns to her youngest neita. "Nightlight can you open the present so we can see what it is and put this all to a rest?" She asks sweetly.

Mirabel can probably guess what Draco had given her and she said. "Abuela I promise," she began. "Open it Mirabel," she said much firmer.

Mirabel gulps and took the box. It was large with red and blue wrapping paper and could probably hold nearly anything.

Mirabel unwraps it and opens it and all the Madrigals peered in it and all gasped. Except Delores she gave a small squeal. Inside was a green bejeweled bracelet that matched the ring her family had yet to notice. While the older Madrigals fawn over it the youngest member looks inside the box again and pulls out a extra object and peering at it he lit up.

"Ooh! Mira you look so pretty! Like a princess!" He said taking out a picture frame from the box. It was snatched from him by his mama who looked at it and thunders, but also had a rainbow above her head which meant Pepa was unsure if she should be angry or happy.

"Amore?" Felix looks at the photo and broke out into a grin. "Oh Mira you look beautiful," he said. "Tio! Give it," Mirabel demands, but Camilo beat her and grabbed it from his parents taking a look and burst out cackling. "Mirabel missed Christmas so she could go on a date!" He cackles. "Camilo!" Mirabel tackles him and the photo went flying, but then Isabela caught it with her vines and all the girls looked at it. Delores squeals quietly, Luisa's jaw dropped, and Isabela looked like she wanted to commit murder. "Hey! Give it to me!" Mirabel demands jumping in the air and cursing her tiny frame against her hermanas and Prima. Her mama plucks it from Isabela and her parents look at it. Juileta gasps and covers her mouth with tears filling her eyes while her papa wipes a tear from his eye. "Oh Mariposa you look gorgeous," He said and Mirabel blushes taking the picture. "Mirabel hand me the photo," Abuela said and Mirabel does not want to, but she does as told.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now