The Yule Ball

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"I can't believe it! The Yule Ball is tomorrow and everyone has a date, but us!" Ron whines. He had asked Fleur declore and embarrassed himself badly by running away, he had tried asking Hermione except he insulted her and doesn't believe she actually has a date, and now he was left dateless. Harry was in a similar boat, some girls had asked him and he turned them down. He wishes he hadn't though. He had asked Cho, but she was going with Cedric. "Even slimy Draco has a date! No offence Mirabel," Ron said towards his friend.

When hearing the news that Mirabel had been the one to ask Draco the boys had made their dislike obvious, but for her sake they didn't make any comments at all about it. When Neville heard what happened he was mad at the guy who put the love potion on her. He wanted a piece of him, but sadly for Neville the boy was still recovering in saint Mongos after what Mcgonagall did to him. Not to mention that deadly plant Isabela mailed to the guy. Honestly Harry is surprised the guy is still alive.

"Offence taken, so want my help finding a date for you both now?" Mirabel asked. The boys looked at each other. They were desperate. "Yes," they both agreed. Putting her book down Mirabel said. "Just so you know romance is a big thing in Columbia, you should see my Tia and Tio. Nearly fifty and they still got it," She laughs at her joke before turning to Harry.

"Okay I know the perfect person, they got no date, really would like to go, and are not super obsessed with you to the point of being creepy," She said. "Who?" Harry asks. "They're in Gryffindor, they have freckles, red hair, last name starts with a W," She lists. Harry sat up and glances at Ron. "You want me to ask Ron?" Harry asks. "Not that desperate," Ron said with a look on his face. Mirabel face palms at the boys oblivious nature. Harry can face monsters and evil, but is clueless most of the time. "Is a girl in third year," It was five minutes, she counted, before his eyes dawned in understanding.

"Ginny?" He asks. "Yes! He has a working brain ladies and gentleman!" Mirabel exclaims with a mocking clap. Harry thinks on it for a moment. Ginny is really nice, she's pretty too he guesses, he knows her enough that she isn't totally obnoxious. Harry looks at Ron who shrugs. "She said she wants to go, but third years aren't allowed unless someone asks them," He said. "So go ask her," Mirabel said and looks up seeing Ginny walking into the common rooms alone. "Gineita!" Mirabel calls and waves her over. Ginny happily walks over and said. "Yeah?" She asks.

Mirabel motions to Harry who nervously turns to Ginny fiddling with his hands. "I was just wondering..... if you would like to go to the Yule Ball with me tomorrow night?" He asks. Ginny looks at him and her eyes go so wide he thought they would pop out of her sockets, her face goes pale, and slack jawed. Ron waves a hand over her face and says. "Well you just broke my sister," He said.

Ginny snaps out of it though and smiles. "Yes! Yes I'd love too! I don't have anything to wear though," Ginny frowns. "Don't worry Ginnieta I made you a dress too," Mirabel said with a smile. "Where did you find time to make three dresses?" Ron asks. "Extra credit work turned in early means if you skip some assignments it's okay," Mirabel answers with a positive grin. "So see you tomorrow night?" Harry asks. Blushing Ginny eagerly nodded.

"Now what about me? Where's my date?" Ron asks. Looking across the common rooms Mirabel calls. "Hey Lavender!" Mirabel calls and her dorm mate looks up from across the room. "Didn't Patil steal your date?" Mirabel asks and Lavender nodded. "Can you believe it?!" She fumes. "Well Ron here would love to go with you," Mirabel said. "He would?" "I would?" Ron asks and Mirabel gives him a look so he straightens up. "I mean I would!" He said and walks over. "Will you go to the ball with me?" He asks. Lavender blushes and nodded smiling wildly. Ron was smiling too and said. "So see you tomorrow?" He asks awkwardly and she giggles. "See you then," she winks getting up and planting a kiss on his cheek, though it was kinda awkward for Ron before she left to her dorm.

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