The Warning

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Before long it was Hallow's Eve and the school was a buzz about the up coming Tri Wizard tournament. "I can't wait to meet other foreign witches and wizards!" Mirabel grins as they talked that afternoon in the great hall before lunch.

"Who cares about that? What about the eternal glory?" Ron asks. "Don't you get enough glory from Mirabel making up credit to give you on the wolf cure potion?" Hermione asks. "I will have you know he did a very good job teaching me how everything worked. He earned the amount of credit I gave him," Mirabel said. "Yeah and all the glory it came with being the youngest to get a order of Merlin. I'm practically mum's favourite," Ron grins and his brothers passed him both knocking him on the head.

"We all know that's Ginny," "she's a mama's girl after all," Ginny rolls her eyes at them.

"Who do you think the Hogwart's champion will be?" Mirabel asks. "It'll be a Gryffindor for sure," Hermione said. "Nah I bet it's going to be a different house, my bets on Slytherin or Hufflepuff," Mirabel states. "Why Slytherin?" Harry asks with disbelief. "Well the school is going to choose someone best suited for the trials. Either it's going to be someone hard working like a Hufflepuff, or someone who's as cunning enough to get through the trials. Don't ask me why, but I think these trials are probably going to take a bit more than bravery," Mirabel said. A passing Hufflepuff comments. "And it's about time a different house got all the glory you glory hogs keep," They said. The entire table turns to glare or argue, but Mirabel gives them all a hard look to stop it. "It's fair that other houses get their moments to shine and besides whoever is picked will be the best for the job," Mirabel said.

"Well whoever it is I just hope they're prepared. Think of the glory it'll bring the lucky house," Fred said. "You mean the glory it would bring Hogwarts?" Mirabel asks. "That too," George says.

"Everyone they're coming! The schools are arriving!" Colin suddenly yells pointing outside. Within seconds chairs are scrapping the floors and there a stampede of excited students running down the halls hoping to get a glimpse of the arrival.

Thanks to them being relatively close to the doors the quartet managed to get figurative front row seats to the approaching schools; sort of.

They looked around, but no one saw anything approaching towards the castle. "Colin was this a joke?" Asks a very annoyed Dean Thomas. Colin shook his head so quickly some thought it might fall off.

"No! I heard Hagrid he said he was," Colin defends himself when someone in the crowd yells pointing to the sky. "LOOK!" Everyone looks to the sky and Mirabel's jaw drops.

From the cloudy sky came these people white horses with wings, they're manes sparkled against the sky, they looked strong, and there were at least twelve of them. Mirabel remembers reading about winged horses they were called Pegasus. They were hooked up to something and as the came lower from the sky they were revealed to be carrying a large blue and gold house of sorts. Well it was obviously a carriage with the wheels on the bottom, but it was at least two stories tall and Mirabel wonders how many students have been crammed into it.

Hagrid was below a stretch holding up these fans and guiding the winged horses down. It was going smooth until he tripped and slipped up. This sent the Pegasus into confusion as they began going into different directions. The entire student body winced when Hagrid had to duck as the carriage came down into the runway and was narrowly missed from getting crushed by it.

The cart was drawn into the stables so none of the Hogwarts students caught a glimpse of the other foreign school students or their headmaster.

"Look! In the lake!" All heads turned to the lake. After a few moments of searching Mirabel was confused when she saw a stick with a person on on top of it. In the next moment though from beneath the water Mirabel watches as a giant thing emerged from the water.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now