The Third Trial

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The contestants were lined up in front of the maze. Harry looks at the entrance with a sense of foreboding. Mirabel was somewhere in there and in trouble. He was going to find her and he was going to save her.

"Hey Harry?" He turns to look at Cedric. "We'll find her, this isn't about eternal glory anymore this is about saving a life," Cedric said to him. "I never cared about the glory, I just want my friend back," Harry said. Cedric nodded and looks behind him where his father was cheering for him.

All the champions lined up and Dumbledore took the podium. "As you all know this has become more than just a trial," he said as the crowd quietens down. "One of our own has been kidnapped and we are to believe she has been placed inside the maze with the Tri wizard cup. We do not care for if you bring the cup back, but please do what you can to bring back our missing student," he said.

The four champions all nodded. "Ready? On your marks, get set, go!" Dumbledore let the cannon sound and all the champions ran into the maze that sealed up behind them as they ran in different directions.

Harry ran through the maze with one set goal in mind. Find Mirabel and save her.

Meanwhile on the outside with the crowd it was eerily quiet. They could not watch what was going on inside the maze and it was only a matter of seeing who came out first.

Mcgonagall was pacing and would not sit down at all, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and even Draco were in the front rows. The three allowed him to be so close out of respect for Mirabel and only if he stays quiet.

"You think she's actually in there?" Neville asks. "If she is I bet she'll save Potter's sorry behind," Draco said with a smirk at the mental image. Ron rubs his tired eyes and looks up to the dark clouds when he saw a shape. Furrowing his eyebrows he uses his binoculars to look up. "Ron what are you looking at?" Hermione asks him. "I don't know, but it looks like-DRAGON!" Ron screams pointing up.

Everyone looks above as a Horntail falls from the clouds. Wizards shot spells at it, but it's thick scales made them useless as the dragon touches down on the ground.

The dragon roars so loudly it knocked everyone over and sent banners flying as everyone screams. Everyone except one though. Mcgonagall rushes forward and yells in glee. "Mirabel!" The dragon shrinks and shifted as it suddenly transforms into a girl they all recognized. Fuego flew by and landed on her arm.

Mcgonagall hugs her tightly and Mirabel hugs back before she pushes Mcgonagall away and steps forward. "Where's Harry!?" She asks not seeing him. Everyone points into the maze and Neville exclaims. "We were told you were put in the maze he's gone to find you," he explains. Mirabel curses in Spanish before asking. "Where's my wand!?" She asks.

Draco pulls it out and throws it at her. She catches it and turns to the maze. She rushes to it, but a spell knocked her back. Mcgonagall got to her and asks. "Mirabel honey it's okay! Where have you been?" Mcgonagall asks her.

Mirabel looks at her than turns her head to where all the teachers and ministry officials stood. Her eyes narrowed on one near the back and his eyes widened when he realized. He curses and tries to rush away. Mirabel stood up and channels her magic into her wand. She creates a long whip that sparked with fire like a firework, it was just like the first spell she ever used with her wand.

She flung it out like a whip and it wraps around Moody's ankles as he tried getting away. The crowd watches as Mirabel drags him out onto the lawn and she seethe at him. "How do I get in?" She asks him. "She's under the imperious curse! Either that or she's a imposter!" Moody yells. "Your the only imposter here!" The whip wraps around more of him and squeezes him tightly. "Ms Madrigal!" Mirabel looks up to see the teachers and ministry officials had surrounded them. The one to yell at her was Fudge. "You have a lot of explaining to do young lady. If that is you," he said suspiciously. "Than ask me something! Ask me anything something only I'd know," Mirabel said.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now