Dark Mark

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Mirabel held Antonio on her shoulders as she climbed the stairs to the ministers box with Luisa. Antonio was dressed in red Bulgarian merchandise because Ron brainwashed him into thinking Bulgaria was the best because of Victor Krum. He even had red face paint on because he insisted on it and Mirabel let him do her face while Luisa had been confused by it and just drew on her arms in both red and green paint.

"So how do these work?" Luisa asks looking at these binoculars Mirabel had purchased that could apparently do several different things. Mirabel got them for Antonio and Luisa as a gift, Antonio immediately stated he was going to go bird watching with them. Mirabel had a scarf covering the bottom half of her face and Luisa was confused as to why, but Mirabel didn't answer.

"I'm not actually sure, they just seemed cool and you didn't have a souvenir yet," Mirabel answers as they reached security. "Name?" One of them asked. "Mira Strong," Mirabel answers.

They looked on a list and nodded letting them through into the box. It was large, spacious, had some food against the walls, seats, and a large view of the stadium. Ludo Bagman walks up to them and smiles. "Aw Mira Strong what a pleasure to see you again," he said with a wide grin.

"You too Senor," she said. "You don't need to wear the scarf inside," he said. "I prefer it," Mirabel answers. "Ms Strong I'm sure you understand for security reasons," Ludo was saying. "I have a scar, it's really embarrassing," Mirabel said. Luisa looks at Mirabel confused, by was she lying? Antonio looks confused as well. "Mira do you mean your neck?" He asks. Ludo looks at her as Mirabel looks away and his eyes widened.

"By Merlin's beard, Mirabel Madrigal," He said with a wide grin. Seeing her jig was up Mirabel took off her scarf, but left it around her neck. All heads in the room all then turned to her and Ludo went to put a hand around her, but Luisa steps between them.

"How do you know my sister?" She asks. Intimidated by Luisa the man stepped back stuttering slightly. "Well your sister is famous, she was all over the paper last year for earning the order of Merlin," Ludo Bagman said. "I am just a regular witch sir, and if you excuse us we are famished so I'm going to get us some food," Mirabel said moving off and Luisa follows.

Luisa does not miss the eyes following Mirabel. "Mirabel? Why are these people watching you like this?" Luisa asks. "Nothing special really. I'm just friends with Harry and he's really famous so anyone who pays attention to news has heard of me here and there," Mirabel answers with a nervous smile.

Luisa raises a eyebrow. Mirabel's friends then showed up and she decided to take Antonio so Mirabel could enjoy herself with her friends.

She sat down at the front and had to hold Antonio back because he kept jumping to the railing. Looking around Luisa nearly screams seeing a few seats to her right was what looked like a girl version of that thing that tried to attack her sister in the nursery two years ago. Though it was definitely different and definitely a girl, though she could only tell by the hair.

It had its eyes covered and was shivering badly. "Hey Mira?" Luisa asks looking at her sister who turns. "Yep?" She asks. "What's that?" Luisa asks. Mirabel looks to where her sister was pointing. "It's a house elf," She answers and walks over. "Excuse me?" The elf looks up at her. "What's your name?" She asks. "I am Winky miss, Winky is waiting for Master Crouch to come and Winky is saving master his seat," the elf explains. "Why are you covering your eyes?" Hermione asks joining in. "Winky is scared of heights miss,"  Winky answers. "That's unfair, you shouldn't be here if your afraid of heights," Hermione said. "Winky does as master tells," Winky said dutifully before turning back and covering her eyes.

Luisa can't help feeling sorry for the poor elf, no one should be made to face their worst fears against their will.

Meanwhile Mirabel, Harry, and Ron were all talking to ministry officials. Harry was answering yes, no, or nodding along, Ron was telling everyone about his amazing muggle science skills and how he tried it with potions, and Mirabel was smiling a nodding along to the people around her.

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