Ferret Problems

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(Hi Everyone so super annoying thing, there was this last minute addition to the prophecy from the last chapter, but it didn't save when posted and really it changes the entire thing. The additional line is the heir of bravery shall be lost, but may not at a deadly cost I have changed it now and I am sorry for the glitch)

The next couple of weeks were miserable for Mirabel and Harry. The Hufflepuffs bullied Harry mercilessly for taking their chance at glory and for bullying Mirabel into putting his name in. That was the rumour going around because of Mirabel's reputation of being a people pleaser everyone thinks Harry had forced her in some way to put his name in. They also all sported "Support Cedric Diggory the true Hogwarts Champion" and when you tapped them it had Harry's face in a sickly green saying "Potter Stinks" Harry hated them, but Mirabel nearly went into a panic attack seeing them. Harry saw her mumbling and asked if she was alright.

Mirabel had all but begged Harry to believe her that she had never put his name in. He said he believed her, but still wanted to know how she knew his name was in the Goblet. Mirabel had stared at him blankly for around five minutes before she said.

"Professor Trewlany told me,"

Harry did not question it and believed her. Ron, Hermione, and Mirabel were now his only real friends now because everyone else hated him.

It was not helped at all by Rita Skeeter's article on him. It was all about Harry, got numerous facts wrong about him, and was full of false hoods. "Honestly it just makes her look stupid. Everyone knows your fourteen," Mirabel tries to cheer Harry up. "I agree with Mira even though this is all her fault," Hermione said.

Hermione also thinks Mirabel did put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire and had excluded her from all S.P.E.W activities. "Hermione why would Mirabel do that?" Harry asks. "Because she's selfish," Hermione answers. "Selfish!?" Mirabel screeches sounding a lot like her older sister Isabela. "Well what else? You wanted to prove you could beat the age line, but were to cowardly to put your own name in. Am I wrong?" Hermione asks her in a snarky voice. "Yes you are! And don't you dare call me selfish," Mirabel states. "Well you put Harry's name in for your own benefit it's obvious your selfish," Hermione said. Mirabel huffs and storms off to the opposite side of the courtyard and sat down doing her homework.

"Hermione, I think of you as the smartest witch I know," Ron said eveningly before exploding. "But Mirabel literally is incapable of being selfish! She redecorated the Slytherin dorm rooms without any reward. She basically adopts all the student years below her," Ron said and as he says this a second year Slytherin boy walks up to her and shows her a piece of parchment. Mirabel looks at it and said a few things pointing them out on the paper and the boy grins thanking her with a tight hug before walking off. "My point proven," Ron states. "Your just jealous that Mirabel's a little more talented than you," Harry said. Hermione looks offended and scoffs. "Why would I be jealous of her? She's as fake as a Disney Princess," Hermione grumbles. "What's Disney mean?" Ron asks.

Harry looks and Mirabel again and saw she had a butterfly in her hair and was humming a tune. A moment later a bird lands on her arm and copies her cheery humming. Harry can't help agreeing about what Hermione said. The Disney princess part, not the fake part.

"Than how do you explain her knowing about you being in the Goblet? We all saw it," Hermione states.
"She says professor Trewlany told her," Harry said. Hermione gives him a long hard look.

"Harry, do you really believe that? Mirabel is as skeptic of Trewlany as me and Mcgonagall. When has she ever taken anything seriously with her?" Hermione asks. Harry opens his mouth to reply when he doesn't. Mirabel has never once taken anything coming from Trewlany seriously and last night she was shaking the moment she sat next to Harry. As much as he did not want to admit it Hermione was right. Something about that suddenly did not match up at all.

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