Deadly Cost

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Mirabel had woken up chained. It took a long time for her to become aware of her surroundings, she felt like she's been asleep for a really long time. She was in a dark room with the only furniture being a old bed that had a mattress, but Mirabel bets her glasses that the wood from the bed frame was comfier than that. At first she was really confused, the last thing she remembers was following Ms M and than.... What happened after that?

All she knows is that she for sure is not somewhere safe. As she ponders where she could be the door opens revealing the silhouette of a fat man. He walks in revealing more of himself and Mirabel recognized him as Peter Petigrew. He was the one who sold Harry's parents out then hid like a coward while his best friend took the fall.

She fixes him a steely glare as he dropped a steel plate of old hard bread in front of her and a cup of warm water in front of her. "Eat," he orders her. She glares at him. "Where am I?" She asks him. "You don't need to know," He answers leaving. "Yes I do!" Mirabel yells after him. He left and yells out. "Be quiet or my lord will send Nigini on you!" He threatens.

In response Mirabel decided to start humming a song. "Stop that!" In response she hums louder and he growls aggravated at her. She's chained helpless if he was going to hurt her he would have done it already.

As she hums she thinks about her situation. Okay do I have my wand? She feels around her robes and finds that she does not have her wand. "Okay do I have a needle or pin, or hair pin, to pick the lock? And she does! And her mama said she would never have a reason to pick a lock. Honestly Mirabel only learnt it so she and Camilo could steal Isabela's makeup when they were eight.

She hums fiddling around the secret pocket of her dress hidden behind a butterfly wing until she managed to pull out a pin. It was too dark for her to properly see the lock and she huffs annoyed when a idea came to mind.

Closing her eyes she focuses hard on her magic and too her luck her mark glows providing enough light to see the locks. She continues humming her song as she tries picking the lock.

Suddenly the door opens with a slam and she jumps as Wormtail enters again. Her arm was grabbed and she was roughly dragged down a hallway. It looked like it might have been fancy once, but a lack of cleaning and living inhabitants left it victim to time and decay.

They stopped outside a door and Wormtail grabbed her hair tipping it back so she looks up at him. He's grinning like a maniac and said. "Say your payers girl," he said. "I pray you visit a dentist," Mirabel prays out loud mocking him. Angry he slaps her face and Mirabel heaves in a deep breath fighting back the urge to react. She is not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

He puts a blindfold over her eyes after taking her glasses and than dragged her into the room. As soon as she was pushed to the floor she felt a sick feeling in her stomach. It was one she knew well and she thought she would never feel again.

"Hello dear," a voice rasps and it sent chills down her spine. "Okay Mirabel you are more valuable alive. Try making him annoyed. Try and trick him into taking these chains off so I can kill him again," she thinks in her head. A lone finger nail goes down her neck and she tries not to flinch as it pushes into her neck. She winced when it draws blood and the finger draws back. There's a pleased hum and Mirabel is very glad she's blind folded or else she might throw up. She is pretty sure he just tasted her blood. A horrifying silence falls and never one to like silence she spoke.

"So?.... How you been?"

"Seriously Mirabel!? Anything you could have said and you said that!?" Mirabel thinks to herself panicking. A gasping laugh fills the silence. "I have been better," Voldemort said. "Why am I here?" Mirabel asks. "To find answers to some questions that could not wait," he answers. "Okay cool! I have a question," "wait," "did you become that ugly by choice? Like I saw a picture of you when you were at school and you were pretty okay looking, but then with Quirl you were like yikes and," Wormtail grabbed her hair pulling it back and sticking a wand into her neck that heated up dangerously. "Okay I'll wait for my turn I'm patient," she squeaks with a nervous chuckle. "Tell me Mirabel are you afraid?" Voldemort asks her.

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