How to fail at finding a date Pt.1

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(Title may be a bit long)

"Mirabel, to all gods, witches, wizards, magic of old, by the Hogwarts Founders. PLEASE HELP ME!" Ron holds his dress robes out to Mirabel on his knees and begging.

Last week it was announced that the Yule Ball, a dance, would be held for fourth years and over, but a fourth year may invite and third year if they like. Ron had received these centuries old robes from his mom and was begging for Mirabel to fix them.

"I'm sorry Ron, but I'm busy with making the dress," Mirabel said sympathetically. "Didn't you say you already finished your dress?" Hermione asks confused. "How did you finish it already?" Harry asks astonished. "Mcgonagall told me about the Yule Ball at the start of the year. I finished the dress last week. I'm working on Hermione's dress," Hermione blushes. "Mirabel you don't," Mirabel puts a finger to her friends face. "Hush, I've already started the mold, but I'm taking your measurements tonight," Mirabel explains.

"This is unfair," Ron whines flopping onto a couch. "All the girls have to worry about is dresses! We need to find dates!" Ron whines and Harry nodded sharing the sentiment.

"I can't wait for someone to ask me! I've never been on a date before," Mirabel confesses excitedly.

Mirabel smiles thinking about the upcoming Yule ball. The moment she heard about it she had started working on her dress every spare minute she had. She was so excited about it the boys, and even Hermione, found her sudden happy all the time demeanour infectious. Could you blame her?

In Columbia romance was a topic talked about a lot especially in the Madrigal household. If it wasn't her prima or Hermana being romanced nearly every moment of the day, Luisa talking about a occasional crush here and there, Camilo's productions always have some sort of romance, her Abuela's love stories of their Abuelo, and not to mention her tia, tio, and parents. When she was a child she watched their love with hope and joy.

Her parents looked at each other with love, they were each others rock, they had each other through thick and thin, never has Mirabel seen her parents have anything but love when even mentioning the other.

Mirabel had given up on all that though when she was eight after she realized no one would want to date the defective Madrigal. Now though no one knew about who she was back home so she might get a date!

"Who do you want to take Harry?" Hermione asks. Harry blushes and mutters. "I was thinking Cho Chang," he admits. "The Ravenclaw Seeker?" Mirabel asks and Harry nodded blushing. From behind Harry Mirabel could see Ginny looking across the common rooms at Harry. No one seemed to notice except for her and Ginny did not notice Mirabel had noticed.

Mirabel makes a note of it because Cho was popular and knowing Harry he would ask after someone else had asked her. "You know if you want I could always find you guys dates," both of the boys looked at her incredulously. "We can find our own dates," Harry said standing up. "And without your help," Ron said and the two boys left the common room.

The girls watch them leave and Hermione asks. "So... how long until they come crawling back?" Hermione asks. "Five minutes," Mirabel said. "You don't have much faith in them do you?" Hermione asks looking at her notes. "In everything but love," Mirabel answers as Hermione showed her a note.

The champions shall play and the trap is laid.
This could mean everything that's happened so far was all planned.

A face is hidden away with truth locked in a iron cage
Someone replaced someone else and has the truth hidden somewhere?

Mirabel nodded to Hermione. Mirabel was glad to have Hermione on this, her practical thinking was making this a lot easier for her. While Hermione was skeptic at first she agreed to help Mirabel with it because it was worrying Mirabel so much. Her theory does made a lot of sense. There has to be someone in the castle who's a fake.

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