The First Trial

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Mirabel, Hermione, and Ron all did their best to help prepare Harry for the first task of dragons. Ron snuck Harry out in his invisibility cloak to see them with his older brother Charlie. When they did see them Harry had also spotted Karkaroff hiding in the bushes and Madam Maxine with Hagrid. When Harry saw Hagrid he could not help wondering whether Hagrid brought Madam Maxine to impress her or to see the dragons and they just happened to bump into each other. Either way Harry knew all of the champions would know what the first task was.

Except Cedric Diggory.

So to Mirabel's delight Harry told Cedric about the dragons. Ron thinks he shouldn't have done that, but Harry felt it was only fair.

Hermione schooled Harry in as many defensive spells she could find while Mirabel told him all about dragons and especially the Horntail. It was not a promise that he would get the Horntail, but with his lucky he may as well be prepared for it.

Soon enough though came the day of the first trial and it came sooner than anyone wanted it too.

Harry was pacing in the champions tent with half a mind to run away from it. Fluer was pacing nervously like he was, Krum was sat on a medical cot and looked deep in thought like he was planning a battle, and Cedric was tapping his feet in a nervous rhythm.

"Psst Harry," Harry looks up and saw the girls peaking out from behind the tent flap. They were shoving each other a little and were trying to get closer to him. Eventually their shoving caused Mirabel to trip and fall into the tent.

The other three champions saw this, but they were too occupied by their own nerves to care. Rolling her eyes Hermione enters as Mirabel stood up.

"Harry we came to wish you good luck, Ron's distracting Filch for us," Hermione said. "Here's a basket of my mama's food. Extra strong healing potion in it just for you," Mirabel said handing Harry a basket. "Why doesn't she just put it in a bottle like a normal witch?" Hermione's mocks and Mirabel's eye twitches in annoyance as she grabbed Harry's hand to make a point. "This is Harry okay? So stop being a Prima Donna," Mirabel states. Hermione balks at her. "At least I gave Harry useful information and am confident in him. If you were confident in him you wouldn't have brought so much food from your mother mommy's girl," Hermione said grabbing Harry's arm too.

Harry was now pinned between two girls arguing on his safety and he hopes this does not get any worse.
As usual things do get worse because a camera flashes capturing a picture of Harry and the two girls keeping a tight grip on his arms. All three turned and saw Rita Skeeter herself come into the tent with a flourish. She wore a green satin blouse with a feathered scarf, a matching green skirt with black stockings studded with jewelled high heels, her skin was pale, her eyes beady and vicious, blonde curled hair, and a smile that would appear charming to some or it could appear like a predator looking at its prey.

"Young love! And a love triangle too," She exclaims with a wicked gleaming smile. "We were not," Hermione began. "I do not," Mirabel fumbles. "Oh it's alright girls after all who wouldn't want a chance at the boy who lived? And the true Hogwarts Champion," she said and Mirabel blurts out. "Harry is not the true champion!" She said it so loudly everyone looks at her weirdly and she blushes embarrassed.

"Oh girls it's alright young love and love triangles make for a great story," Rita said with a suggestive wink. "We are not!" Hermione stomps her foot. "Senorita! I actually have something for you," Mirabel said and held out a arepa to Rita.

"My mama's recipe, it should heal that bump on your head," Mirabel said and Rita looks at her confused. "Bump on my head?" She asks feeling her styled hair. "Yes the one that's making you write all weird facts that aren't true," Mirabel said in a concerned tone and looks at Hermione. Quickly the girl caught on and grins before putting on a concerned look as well.

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